Sunday, May 12, 2013

Women and Mother's Day

Rose colored glasses, The Age of Aquarius. Never thought I’d think of the 60s as the “good old days.” And yet, I guess most memories over 30 years old takes on that kind of patina for a lot of people. I don’t believe myself to be one of them. I’ve many good and bad memories, and today is just fine, thank you.

In many ways I admire Shatner – he just keeps on keeping on. Don, I agree, he was the Ring Master in a previous life. And I think “ego centric” is probably the best way to describe him. I would not like to have to maintain him – too far over the top for me. But being able to listen to his stories would be a great life time experience.

So I am waiting for my “Mother’s Day” present to arrive – my grandchildren. I see them so rarely and now I’m seeing them twice in five weeks! Lucky me! I’ve been celebrating Mother’s Day one way or the other for a while now, and since sitting idly twiddling my thumbs is just not me! And I do hate waiting, so I took a peek at Wikipedia (no groaning from the peanut gallery – do you know what you have to do to get an article on Wikipedia?).

Mothers have always gotten a bad rap. When I think back on it, everything was my mother’s fault. From the way I was “denied things” to the way I behave today. I think this is a universal feeling, especially for daughters. But Ann Jarvis, from West Virginia, felt differently. She decided she wanted a special way to celebrate her mother in 1908. By 1914 in America, it was a recognized holiday placed on the second Sunday of May. And the rest of the world followed suit. Some celebrate in March, others in November and December. Interestingly enough, it is spelled as a singular noun – to keep it in line with recognizing your mother, not necessarily all mothers.

The Arab World has celebrated Mother’s Day on March 21 since 1956. They had a similar day that acknowledged the “maternal”, but have since made it Mother’s Day. Even China has embraced the day because it reflects the good ethics of respect for Elders and piety toward parents. The Hindus have had a celebration day called “Mata Tirth Aunshi” for centuries.

Flowers are the most common gift – especially carnations, followed by gift cards and handmade gifts. The top preferred gift is a massage, a pedicure and peace and quiet. If moms are taken out, they prefer the big fancy meal they wish they had time to prepare.

One point I thought was interesting was by 1920, Jarvis admitted that the day had become over commercialized. It didn’t take long for the world to realize the “value” of celebrating “your mother”.

Personally, I feel that women rule the world – we defer to the men to make things simpler. Men think of themselves as bigger and stronger, they go off and do their “man” thing, and quite often make a debacle of things.  In the end, when the dust clears, women sweep the pieces back together and keep moving on. Women are most often in charge of the family’s economics, thus making them stewards of a nation’s economy. Without us, it would be an unpopulated, sad and lonely world. Of course, I admit that my view is rather one-sided.

From the Riddle Cave:

My riddle was a 3-hole punch. We used to make fake snow by punching paper. As kids, we believed it helped to keep us cool in the summer. Such is the value of imagination.

Don, I have no idea about yours! I keep looking at it, and every time I come up with a totally different idea – I’m baffled!

Here’s mine for the week:

Provides confab ability

Makes us available to confab or

News of no interest

Campbell sang an ode, birds twitter from

Kris-cross the land

Long buried at sea



Oh Goody! (rubbing hands together in glee ) I get to finish the final edit for another new to us author! Lisa has provided Wormhole with a book called The Search which we start episodes of in June. It is about a forensic accountant from “the other side”. AND, in June we are going to run a story that is a bit different for us. SMBaughns has put together an intriguing non-fiction/fiction piece based on a true story. In July we will release a just SciFi anthology which we are very proud of. Stay tuned! Summer looks like it will provide all of us fantastic reading beside the pool!

 Don, welcome back. Glad to know the pup is doing better.

Everyone, have a great week. Oh, Don – I’m not sending you any snow this week – just rain.


 fig1 - Mother's Day Comment retrieved from
fig 2 - Rose Colored Flasses Vintage Wire Rimm retrieved from
fig 3 - Synthesis of high definition Bright Flowers 13 retrieved from




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