Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Trippin' in and Trippin' out

Hi Carolyn,

Right off,  I heartily agree that the simple sanctity of Mother’s Day has long been sacrificed most brutally on the altar in the church of buy and sell.

Thankyou for your best wishes for “ the pup “ Alas, a pup she truly isn’t. She’s our daughters dog,  rescued about 8 years ago, at the age of 4, from an abusive situation that left lifelong repercussions.   We’re dog-sitting for a number of weeks This pooch has had a tough road to hoe. If she were a car she’d be the one the Joad family piled into to begin the trek  west in Grapes of Wrath or the one Uncle Jed, Granny, Elly-Mae and Jethro rode into Beverly Hills and onto our small screens in the sixties. The list of maladies and infirmities is almost as long as Shatner’s CV. It’s one of those situations where years of unfailing companionship have made it hard to accept that she's soldiering on but seriously falling apart. It's a tug at the heart strings thing.

As we approach travel season, I thought a look at some trips of a lifetime would be of interest. An article in the Summer 2013 CAA Magazine provided the following catalyst. ( the CAA is the Canadian equivalent of the AAA in the States ) In it the editors compile their “Top Ten Travel Experiences of a Lifetime” So here goes: ( These are not in declining or rated order)

  •   Walk the Great Wall of China

  •   Dance at Carnival in Rio De Janeiro

  •  Explore the deep Antarctic

  •  Trek through Incan history in Machu Picchu, Peru

  •  Walk the streets of Petra, Jordan, the crossroads of the ancient trade routes between East and West

  •  See mountain gorillas in the wild in Rwanda

  •   Get the royal spa treatment at sumptuous Turkish baths in Marrakesh, Morrocco

  •  Climb into the clouds on Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

  •  Search for perfect pad Thai in Bangkok

    •  See the northern lights in the Yukon, Canada

      After seeing the Mayan ruins I can so understand the appeal of Machu Picchu.
      If I had to prioritize this list,  the last entry would be my first. Taking that trip to the  Yukon Territory bordering on The Arctic Ocean would allow me to cover one of my life long vacation wishes - to see all three oceans that border on Canada. So far I’ve managed two.


        Truly, the hands down trip of a lifetime ( literally ) is now being offered by an organization known as Mars One. It’s a one-way trip to Mars that over 80 thousand folks worldwide have signed up for to date. If it’s a scam or a ruse, it’s certainly a thorough and well orchestrated one. I think I  have to revisit this item.

      And while we’re out in space, - and this time for real! I’ve seen former ISS commander  Chris Hadfield’s Space Oddity video three times and will probably go back for more. It was just too cool. He was " sitting in my tin can " in space ! Once more, back to that chorus line from the Thrift Shop song ! I’m stopping now so I won't gush on incessantly and irritatingly - and we know I can

      Okay, back to the cave of riddles. My last one was " Luck" . I want to thank you for last weekends riddle Carolyn since it gave me a segue into a musical sidebar. I'm guessing it's telephone lines or wires. It was the "Campbell sang an ode" part that was my Eureka moment. I'm not a Glen Campbell fan of any sort but I do remember his squeaky voice echoing through our TV room, for awhile,


       as I grew up. Two trivial tid-bits about Mr. Country and Christian Campbell. For the first eight months after Brian Wilson  decided to no longer tour with the band he originated, the fill in man was Glen Campbell - The future Rhinestone Cowboy was a fair-haired Beachboy. He's also a scratch golfer and one of his regular partners on the course is Vincent Furnier - A.K.A. Alice Cooper.

      Anyhow, enough bandstand banter. On to this weeks riddle:

      Hard to conceal for extended periods

      Nurtured by fatigue, disappointment or preoccupation

      Nemesis of those who entertain and/or educate

      Critics most common yardstick 

      All images retrieved from Google Images.

      Fig. 1 -

      Fig. 2 -

      Fig. 3 -

      Fig. 4 -

      Fig. 5 -


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