Sunday, May 19, 2013

Best 10 Vacation travels and science fiction now fact

I knew there was a reason you and I blog together, Don; if for no other reason than to feed each others YES! I WANT TO GO THERE!

I  love your 10 places to visit!  I find it interesting that the places I passionately want to visit are cold.  What is up with that? Maybe it is because we’ve gone from eight inches of snow to 85 degree weather in eight days.

Antarctica – I’d better get there before the ice sheets slip off and make that sea space impassible.

I could probably do Iceland, Hudson Bay and the Great Shield area, and Thunder Bay in the same trip. Time would be the critical point here. I’m fascinated with Iceland because it uses geothermic energy. I can only hope that the sun acts up while I’m touring so I can see northern lights. There is also the possibility of floating through the historical Northwest Passage sometime soon. That would be a kick!

Machu Picchu, Peru – a friend is leading a tour there next spring which will include local shaman and traditional  rituals – don’t know if I’ll make it. I might get the chance to see China sometime in the next couple of years – that makes the Great Wall of China and Terracotta Warriors a possibility. Obviously I’d have to add pandas and the great steppes of Asia to that trip.

Then of course there is New Zealand and Australia. I’d love to take the Lord of the Rings tour.

For warmer places, Fiji, Borneo and Hawaii sound pretty good. A black sand beach? I’d like to see and walk one, just for the experience.  

My all-time favorite, which will not come true in my lifetime, is a vacation on the moon. Not sure I'm curious enough to sign up for a one-way trip to Mars. But it is a thought...

I’ve been following Chris Hadfield, the first Canadian Commander of the International Space Station. Since his “Space Oddity”, Hadfield has become the equivalent of a space rock star. I’ve watched his “Space Oddity” a number of times, but for me, his Chris Hadfield and BarenakedLadies I.S.S. is the best:out my window there goes home… that brilliant ball of blue… voices bouncing off the moon…”

We’ve all heard of actors that do the music thing, (Richard Geer comes to mind) but Don,  did you know that NASA believes that music is important to being human? They had two guitars especially built for the Space Station. One stays on earth as an example, and the other one is a permanent part of the inventory on the station.

I read Hadfield’s re-introduction of gravity after 5 months of weightlessness is comparable to “full-contact hockey”. That might be a drawback to travel among the stars.

Star Trek stormed the movie theaters this weekend – and took first place away from Ironman 3. Critics seem to either like it or they don’t. Star Trek is so iconic to Western culture. Guess I’ll have to go and see for myself. I’ve run across several articles about science fiction that has become fact.  put out a neat list of 27 inventions from just 2012 including invisibility cloaking, self-driving cars and the Higgs-Boson Particle. And Don, Microsoft has taken a patent out on the “holodeck”. Do you believe that?

We do seem to be a restless species, always looking and questioning. I’m beginning to think we have the curiosity of a cat; hopefully we haven’t used up our nine lives yet. Which is good news because an asteroid known as QE2, a mile long asteroid, is going to have a near-earth encounter on May 30th. It will fly by 15 times farther away than the moon. I wonder if it will have enough gravity pull to influence tides? Interesting thought.

Okay, a little bird from Bosnia has suggested that your riddle answer is:


Mine for this week is:

Some have it
Some don’t
Clip-able, cut-able
On some it is adorable
On others it is entertaining
Thought to be ruled by genetics
Have a great week, everyone!


All images retrieved from Google Images 

fig.1 - Hudson Bay-Northern lights Moon Hudson Bay Manitoba retrieved from
fig. 2 - Terracotta Warriors and Horses Guarding... retrieved from
fig. 3 - Astronaut makes 1st space music video retrieved from

fig. 4 Sony Creates Holodeck with PlayStation move retrieved from










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