Thursday, May 30, 2013

Who's Moon is it, Anyhow ?


Hi Carolyn,

I figured you’d see the Trek movie ASAP so my spoiler concerns were academic. I was thinking, like you, about the kind of coaching the main characters might have had. Would Abrams be telling Christopher Pine to “ Play it less like Shatner“, or what?  I guess it shows just how indelible those original characterizations are. One sweet visual item I just clicked into,  ( and I have read that J.J. Abrams likes sticking little easter eggs and visual homages here and there in his works) came to me while going back over saved images in my files. I present it for you here to make something or nothing thereof:

  Also, in one of the gadillion action sequences I could have sworn that I heard
 the distinct sound of Vader's Imperial fighter - you know , that sound that is halfway between a roar and a heave. Trust me, it’s in there.

 Man, I love that kind of stuff!

Your moon-related real space news items got me to being curious about the not too distant future of what The Moody Blues called that “ cold-hearted orb that rules the night “ Just who owns or will own, or attempt to own that ole' devil moon?

   I can’t help but wonder just how will the moon thing play out. In one way it is the next undiscovered country, as it were. Yes, there is a U.N. Department of space law and set of laws that apply to things extra-terrestrial but if history is to be believed, the United Nations hasn't been a prima facie  force at all. Even its most senior members have all, at one time or another proceeded unilaterally. They have simply paid lip service to it's rulings or pronouncements - and proceeded to act as if they did not exist.

 Will the moon be dealt with like that last undiscovered territory we earthlings have dealt with - ’The New World “ ?  Will the planting of a flag also include the implicit assertion that whoever gets there first is in charge until they are knocked off the mountain? 

   I think I just might go back and scare up my old copy of  Robert Heinleins “ The Moon is A Harsh Mistress “  It may turn out to be more prescient than we thought. 

In fact, just earlier today I got wind of a very recently released documentary ( April 2013) and downloaded it at the ITunes store. The name of it is " Lunarcy " and deals with a number of individuals who share an obsessive relationship with the moon. One has even made millions selling plots of real estate on that desolate hunk of rock. I'll be back to you about this one soon.

You were barking up the correct tree in a manner of speaking with your guess for my last riddle. It wasn't pine cones but simply needles. I really thought the part about physically sharp and verbally provocative would be my undoing here.

I think the stuff you are talking about in your most recent one is the dandelion thingies ( can't think of the real name at this moment... ) those little parachute-like things that keep those dandelion seeds airborne in even the slightest of breezes. They are all about these here parts right now, that's for sure. Anyhow, try this one on for this week.

Fierce or foolish

Best friend of joy

Impediment to sound judgement

Why face is worth saving

See ya later... Don
P.S.  I did include that license plate from New York at the end of last weeks blog as an indirect spoiler. I sort of apologize.

All images retrieved from Google Images

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