Sunday, April 28, 2013

To be a Flower Child

Oh to be a flower child! I wanted so badly to participate in San Francisco and Woodstock. But, I wasn’t an overtly rebellious child so I just listened to the news, the music, wrote stories and tuned in to thoughts of being different than I was. I think that was one of the key draws to those events – an opportunity to be different. For most of my friends, it was the great dream to be something other than your parents or what your parents wanted you to be. Parents of a good friend of mine wanted him to be a brain surgeon. He so disappointed them when he got his doctorate in math. Now he teaches all those wonderful new brains coming into his college classes how to analyze, create, support and prove. He is teaching them how to think – his type of “brain surgery” is far more far reaching than his parents ever considered possible.

I read an article by Robert the Radish on what he thought were the #1 hits of the 1960s. He’s done a similar series on music of the 1970s and 1980s. His thought was that the “farther we go back [in #1 music hits] the better the hit songs….it seems music is nothing like technology. It does not improve with age” (Robert the Radish). He complained that for some years in the 1960s decade, there were no bad songs.

One of the great inventions of the 1960s was the convenience store 7 - 11. I remember taking weekend trips with my parents, coming home on Sunday night and having to go to the "milk box" to buy a half gallon of milk because grocery stores and filling stations weren't open on Sundays. 7-11 changed that. Times have changed. Now you can buy groceries and gas 24/7.

I don’t use “groovy” any more, or “out of sight”, but I’m known for my“far out!” and “ya’ll”. Reading a local listing of bands that will be presenting in our area this summer, I ran across Creole Stomp – style: high energy Creole and Zydeco. But my favorite is Ryan Shupe and the RubberBand – style: PostHeeHawFunkadelicHipHopNewGrass. How’s that for languaging! I wonder what their sound is really like?! What’s “New Grass?”

Don, your questions to the authors were wonderful! As a writer, I especially enjoyed your questions about whether or not my characters followed me around in my daily activities. The answer is YES! And sometimes if they’re not happy with what I’ve written during the day, they invade my sleep to set me right!  I’m looking forward to the responses from the other writers! Stay tuned – I’m hoping to share their answers on the blog.

I’ve been sitting in the Riddle Cave for several days now, puzzling out your last submission, Don. And I’m not feeling very confident. A juicer? A Salad Shooter? A knife? Are my guesses.

So mine back to you is:

Allows containment of papyrus and parchment
When dropped, makes a resounding clang scattering fake snow
Necessary for organization of information into neat categories and files
Storable in drawers out of sight or on shelves buried until needed


I got Transport 21 out to the web developers on Saturday, Don. We welcome a new writer for us, Tamara Narayan. Her bio reads like a mystery – once a zookeeper, then a math professor, now a stay-at-home mom who loves to read and write. I think readers will like her style – twilight zonish. Her story with us this month is Pain Free Life. And it definitely has that  twilight zone touch.

I’m pleased to announce that Zack’s Captain Jackson in the Middle Ages is now complete with this last episode. He has finished his second “book”. As he and his wife get resettled through the summer, he’ll be working on the beginnings of the next Captain Jackson adventure. As his editor, I can only imagine what he has in store for his characters next!

Ariel is finishing up her 3-book trilogy. We only have 3 more episodes to go in this last book. I’m hoping that she has more for us.


Have a great week, Don.
Fig. 1/4 - I am a flower child. Retrieved from
Fig. 2 -Neighbors fight opening. Retrieved from
Fig. 3 - It's all her fault. Retrieved from 

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