Sunday, March 24, 2013

Mammoths, Mastodons and Grandchildren

It’s been an interesting couple of days: we had a major snow storm and high winds that dropped 12 inches of snow in less than 24 hours; the grand kids brought their parents to visit with us, just in time for the storm. We’re talking three busy kids with lots of energy after being cooped up in a car for a four hour drive. They bring beautiful chaos to our house, and when they leave, the silence is almost deafening (I now understand what that metaphor means.)  

So we took our lives in our hands and drove across town to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science to see the Mammoths and Mastodons: Titans of the Ice Age exhibit. We arrived about 30 minutes before everyone else with small children who needed something to do on a bad snow day. I had the privilege of going through the exhibit with our youngest granddaughter. New to being able to read successfully, we had a great time. About halfway through, she was able to identify: mammoth, mastodon, Asia, Africa, environment, exceptional, fossil and a host of other mighty big words by herself. She made her grandmother proud. Grandchildren were able to outlast grandparents in the order of chaos and noise at the museum.

Once back on our side of town, we treated our grandson to his first comic book store complete with gamers in the back.(You know the type of store – row upon row of boxed - bagged comic books, graphic books, shelves of collectibles figurines in the front and a short curtain in the back to separate the gaming tables and gamers from the rest of the world.) Given the roads, I figured few people would be out and about - apparently gamers have to be die before they’d consider not going to a gaming session. The gamers were well mannered, used appropriate language and exuded passion. For a 10 year old, it was a birthday dream come true. He left the store with his pick of graphic books and comic books in hand.

All in all, I think it was a successful couple of days.

I think I’ve finally gotten my story ironed out. Keeping in mind it is a prequel, and as one editor advised – don’t be nice to your characters – I’ve finished it up. I’m waiting for the last editor to pass along his notes on the rewrite. I think it is a go for the next Transport. While I’m waiting, I get to sink myself into two books that Wormhole will be publishing over the next months through the Transports and then as individual books in the fall. It is such an interesting world I live in – able to work with authors from around the world, have editors in Canada, have reviewers in Europe – and never meet or shake their hands – who’d of thought! I miss the face to face though; I like to see the way people smile, what makes their eyes light up… but I’m not going to complain too loudly.

Winners of the writing contest were announced this week. Congratulations folks! Got news that a new and even better contest is in the works for April. I’m looking forward to it! We’re offering the Wormhole Electric Fantasy Collection as one of the prizes. Can’t wait!

My guess for this week's Wednesday Riddle is: Pretzels

Don, I’ve forgotten what some of the subjects for my riddles have been! And, I’m too lazy to go back and read previous posts to find out, so forgive me it this topic has been covered before:

Sleep aid
Partner in Crime
Travel companion
Teller of truth or lies
Keeper of the past
Presenter of the future
Creates a relationship without actually meeting
Guess I've about used up my two cent's worth,
Have a great week everyone!

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