Sunday, March 17, 2013

Dreams, Space and Editing

I just finished judging's latest writing contest! Wow. Talented writers of all genres submitted opening paragraphs - it was a pleasure to read them all!
Yeah Commander Chris Hadfield! He is living the dream that many in my generation wish they could live. It has been a dream of mine to go to the moon or at least the space station. It might be a bit late for me by the time the cost comes down, but it is nice to see that at least some non-astronauts are getting the chance to live my dream. One of the thoughts that keeps floating through my brain is how would I feel if my grandkids decided to settle Mars? It seem a bit far to go for Christmas.

harpreet singh
I'm with you on reliving some dreams, Don, but why just replay them? Why not make them real? The theory is that if you  replay a future dream enough times, the dream might eventually come true. There's a thought -

Onto the editing sage. I sent my story to two editors - one prefers character development to action, the other believes action is king. Both panned the new and the old beginning of the story - uhmmm. Seems I need to redo - back to the drawing board. The rest of the story is going to hinge on the beginning. Can I make it lean and mean? Another problem that was pointed out by both was the lack of visuals. There are lots of smell, feel, sound but very few visual descriptions (I am an auditory learner so visuals aren't as important to me - I like people to create their own visuals.) Both editors pointed out areas through out where descriptions would be helpful. One of the big questions was: if this is a prequel, where is the tension that gets readers to want to read more? Uhmmm - maybe the ending needs to change.

For all the challenges I'm facing getting this story ready for April, I have to admit there have been times I've considered withdrawing it. We have published with just two stories - we could do it again. But there is that something within me that says NO! Withdrawing is the easy way out; withdrawing supports the doubts I have as a writer. Not good. I continue on.
The new beginning showed up on Friday and rewrites through out have gone well and all point to a different ending which I have in mind. I can hear the dialogue, see the action... magic fingers and nimble mind please don't fail me now.

Another reason I continue on is because this is a good reminder of what I do as an editor to writers who write for Wormhole. I ask them to bring their best and then tinker with it to make it better. I'm hopeful I give my writers more time to tinker than I've allowed myself. This has been an amazing eye opening adventure. Thank you editors for demanding better of me.

Riddles. Don, my thought for yours is "funeral".

And for you this week, exclusively:

Four simple letters
Blazing red
To show the way home
Just a reminder:  Fantasy Collection is available through Amazon and Amazon UK . New Transport 20 will be available the 4th of April.
Have a great week everyone!

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