Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Sci-Fi and Music- A marriage made in someone's heaven

Carolyn, about those riddles - laughter was indeed the first. The second was music - which brings me, strangely enough, around to what I’m gonna yip about today in a non-concrete sequential manner, of course.   

"I love it", as Hannibal Smith  used to say ( oops, another guilty pleasure inadvertently revealed ) "when a plan comes together".  That phrase must be some kind of  powerful mantra otherwise how else to explain  Liam Neeson signing on for a movie resurrection of that  super-cheesy and at the same time  mindlessly delicious A-Team thing.  Just the original series episode with Boy George is enough to make one seriously wonder if there was even a scintilla of intellect or subtlety at freakin’ all in the popular culture of the 80’s - no wait, that was when the disco virus was rampant  - enough said! 

 How many dragon hoards of riches do you think Liam got for that cinematic slumming ?? 
 ( maybe it’s a guilty pleasure of his, too.

 I am a music-loving person. I’m not  an accomplished musical person ( my only claim to fame in that regard was as a trombonist in my high school band ).  From the moment I rise until  I doze off at night, there is, and there has to be,  music about. I always have it on when I'm reading or editing.

 Last summer I finally got to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland.  My long suffering spouse will confirm that I almost had to be dragged out kicking and screaming at days end. If you have any musicality about yourself at all, you must go there too.

  My menu leans to classic rock and R&B but I  scoot off into other areas too. As I’m at the keyboard right now I have  the hypnotic  techno-pop  of  electronica  pioneers Kraftwerk as my aural backdrop.

 Earlier I was on a classical kick,  it was Suppe - Light Cavalry Overture, and The William Tell Overture and Barber of Seville from Rossini. I was going to put The Blue Danube on but It would simply make me want to drop everything and watch 2001 for the gadillionth time. 

Sometime soon we have to talk about Kubrick!  Not now though, or I'll fly right past  the topic at hand..

I like music enough that it’s a key element in that story I’m not so steadfastly trying to scribble down - more on that in a blog or two.

I love Sci-fi   too. So when the two of them come together it is bonus time. Such stuff happens regularly in fact. Example: O"Ryan's   Cyphares XIV, the supreme and supremely delusional ruler in her engrossing The Serpent Bearer series that I first encountered in the editing trenches almost immediately made me think of   Lucky Man by Prog Rock icons Emerson, Lake and Palmer.  It was such a strong  connection that I  see him  every time I hear it now. Much of their other stuff compliments reading O'Ryan too. If you happen upon this blog O'Ryan,  listen to all the ELP you can. Or perhaps you have already in which case, ten thumbs up. It’s about connections, n'est-ce-pas?.

Captain Jack's adventures send me to quite a few musical places too. While I'm there I hear  BTO  (  bone- crunching riffs and in yer face lyrics - Taking Care of Business, You Aint Seen Nothing Yet ! )  The Allman Bros, but especially one cut by the Dutch Band Golden Earring. Nope, not Radar Love but a driving little ditty titled Twilight Zone.  You may recognize it more by its chorus lyric " When the bullet hits the bone". Anyhow, as soon as I hear it I'm right out there with Capt. Jack and  crew. These musical connections just add another complete color to the reading palette for me. 

And, oh yes, Carolyn, your last riddle was seriously confuscating as Bilbo says. I may be a galaxy or two away from the real answer but the best I can come up with so far is that  you have a fat raccoon family about or ( hopefully not) a mamma bear.  

Anyhow, this music thing is not over but I've filled this weeks dance card. Later...


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