Sunday, November 11, 2012

Hodgepodge, laughter and a Riddle!

Don gave me a lot to think about this week! And yes! the answers to last week's riddles were punctuation and autumn! Nice work!
Okay, my guesses for Don’s riddles from Wednesday: laughter and emotion

On to the meat of the blog: On behalf of the voters subjected to endless hours of rallies, media reviews of the rallies, debates, reviews of the debates, bad taste commercials and survey calls, I think we could all have used the help of Glamdring. I imagine that on more than one occasion political pundits would have gone blind from the blue glow in the crowd. Of course, we can also relate dragons to politicians – riddling talk that makes us waste time trying to understand what they said.

As an editor and a writer, wordplay is fundamental. It is that process of how to get the point across clearly that often stumps writers. However, one of my students found just the right words in his fairy tale rewrite of Humpty Dumpty: Humpty found out about the infidelity of his wife, Mrs. Dumpty. Humpty felt like “his heart had been poached and his brains scrambled.”  WOW!

The ultimate human wish – to right a wrong and survive! For me, I think that is the draw for an adventuring swashbuckling story.  That and the ending, the return to life as it was – the Hero’s journey. On the Wormhole Electric website we put together a definition of pulp that I think most accurately defines a reader’s experience for me:
… good pulp is the hero winning the day, walking through the smoke and dust of the situation and coming out a bit older, a bit wiser, ready and willing to do it all again another day; it is the hero peering through the dissipating haze feeling satisfied…  As a reader, pulp is something that explodes in your face, dominates your thoughts as you pull with the hero through the villainy, the deceit, the rawness, the heart break; and like the hero, at the end of the story you want more. For a moment that glint in the hero’s eye is yours, his nod of definitiveness is your nod.”    

So here is another riddle:

A nightly bandit
Washing to feel with hands
A single mother with a brood in tow
A sumo wrestler in fur 
Have a great week!
You have an answer to the riddle? Comment! You don't have to leave it up to Don and I!

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