Sunday, November 4, 2012

Riddle Me


“This thing all things devours

Birds, beasts, trees, flowers

Gnaws iron, bites steel

Grinds hard stones to meal

Slays king, ruins town

And beats high mountain down”

What am I?

I have to admit that it has been many years since I read The Hobbit, and if truth be told, I read The Lord of the Rings first. Like Don, I just couldn’t get into The Hobbit the first time. But after The Lord of the Rings, all four books became something I read every two or three years. After my kids finished reading the series, so did I. Haven’t touched it since. But I love the movies! The animated, the real, the Trilogy! Hats off to Jackson for such a magnificent rendition of The Rings. I’m sure his version of The Hobbit will be just as entertaining. Yes! I’m aware things were left out – but to me, it doesn’t matter.  (Obviously I’m not hard core any more.)
What I remember most from The Hobbit, besides all the characters that never showed back up again,  are the riddles. Once my kids got into those parts of the book, and understood, they gleefully tortured me. No matter how many times I’d shake my head and groan, they’d giggle and plot and plan their next riddle. Yelling “uncle” never saved me. Must have been something about my concrete thinking – or maybe it was their concreteness and my abstractness that kept me from getting the answers.
Now that we have grandkids, riddles have come back. But this time I’m prepared! (There is something to be said for experience AND not having to live with the little buggers.) This time I’m ready!

Try this: Remember, you only get 3 tries. . .

Squiggles I am
Shaped lines and dots
Conversations I start and stop
Used rightly I make sense
Used wrongly I make confusion.
What am I?


Once a year I
 Return the living to the earth
Dressing them in red, gold, brown and orange
A gentle breath sends my creations swirling whirling
A cascading rain tumbling twirling to the ground
What am I?

Remember Ariel and the Philcon convention in New Jersey next weekend! 
And Wormhole Electric will be a bit late with the publishing of the free first chapters of the books this month. We are listing the urls for the Amazon UK ebook readers. The site should be refreshed and up by Monday night. Thanks for being patient.






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