Thursday, November 1, 2012

Hobbitual Offender

J.R.R. himself says the idea for The Hobbit and all that it begat first hit him while he was grading student essays. Having been on that side of the desk I know just how that could happen. Carolyn mentioned earlier that some of her student encounters suggested somewhere else too. Many kinds of fire burn  behind  bright young eyes.

 This is the 75th anniversary of it's publication and with an unpublished Tolkien manuscript  coming out soon and the movie and new lego stuff ( c”mon can there be anything more canonising in the church of popular culture than to have your literary offspring perpetuated in knobby plastic ?) I wanna surf  the Tolkien tsunami that approaches.

 So, by devoting this blog to The Hobbit I’m simply , and sycophantically,  helping the hype, aren’t I.

Problem…  I haven't read it! I haven’t read any of Tolkien’s  stuff. No movies either.  I tried, though. I tried in high school when , as that Rush lyric goes, it was a “ be cool or be cast out” thing. I tried again in University when it was Eng 101 essay fodder.  I tried a  third time when my daughter was bitten by the Baggins bug.

I just couldn’t make it through more than a couple of pages. 

 Well let’s see if number four is the charm. I just ferreted out my old university copy ( see pic)  from my musty boxes of saved books.

 Found it, naturally, at the bottom of the last box of many. A shock and awe moment even before I got to the title page. Right there on the inside front cover.  This  book cost $2.50 !!  New !!  At a university bookstore !! 

 Anyhow, in I go….

 Some chapter 1 quickie impressions:

 Ill bet Robert Plant ( once  of the Led  Zeppelin hobbits ) knows this tale. Some  of his lyrical references click for me now. 

 Also I understand now why the short hairy guy at that Halloween kegger  I went to in first year  was flopping about on the common room floor screeching struck by lightning, struck by lightning He had big feet too.

 An instant party with a wizard, multiple dwarves, detachable party hoods, a live band and wine, ale, tea, coffee ,apple tarts, mince pies, pork pies, cheese, salad, cakes, eggs, cold chicken and pickles sounds great!  Beats the cheesies, beer and a boom-box blow-outs I (sorta) remember. 

 Dragons hoarding gold reminds me of the increasing number of merchants in all the various media imploring me to exchange my old gold. How would a dragon keep tabs on the current market value, and why ?  I smell allegory in this childrens tale. Guess it wouldnt be the first time. L. Frank Baums 1900 childrens story  The Wizard of Oz  was seen by many as slipping political/cultural comments for voting adults between the lines too. Hmmm

 Recalling the good days when his grandfather was King under the mountain, Thorin provides the best definition yet of retirement - at any age.  and the poorest of us had money to spend and to lend, and leisure to make beautiful things just for the fun of it…”  - now thats the ticket!

Yep, Im  still in there with Bilbo and the crew. Will keep you posted! Especially if any epiphanies pop up.


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