Friday, June 27, 2014

The Daily Lifeboat

Hi Carolyn,

Well first of all I have to say its most uncool that you’re gonna be facing the world single-handedly for the next bunch of months.  

  A “ basal joint arthroplasty “  sounds serious. Just your mention of borrowing a tendon here and a whatever there makes me a bit woozy.

I’m usually the crass joker who tries to mask or deflect the seriousness of it all by making a bunch of hand jokes and puns ( as witnessed by my opening sentence ) but I will desist simply because I’m sure you are not laughing a lot about this scenario. 

  If you’d like, we can put the blog thing into hiatus for however long so you can readjust with one less digital dexterity challenge.


Although I do get the feeling after having had a “ conversation” with you for lo these many months that you seem to relish operating with lotsa irons in the fire and hope to motor on regardless. You did mention early on, though, that you sometimes run into unintended detours and roadblocks because you have too many on the hearth.

Here's where I switch into sermon on the mount  mode:


    My better  1/2 looks at things similarly. Every new challenge is added to those already being dealt with. The idea of balancing things by cutting anything out, even though the  daily life lifeboat is invariably already full right to the waterline, never seems to be up for consideration.  Sure!  A few more bodies can be added and the whole thing won’t capsize. 

 It ain't always worked out that way, though.

 I'm hoping that your situation won't evolve likewise.




As for the summer times and the livin’ is anything but easy tune you were singing. When I first read that I must admit I was sent back to the “Thelma and Louise” movie. because of one line therein -


“ You get what you settle for “ 

The  zip-lining, wall scaling Carolyn I’ve interacted with online for all this time would be supremely tested by simply sitting serenely on the sidelines, sipping cool libations in the sun when the overwhelming feeling was that one  could be up and out and about and squeezing twenty-five things into twenty-four hours. 
I mentioned earlier that I was revisiting Mark Twain and, lo and behold,  he had a similar observation:

" A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval. " 

  Silly me, I started out this entry with the idea of telling you to maybe take this situation as a time to relax and float downstream for a bit, for therapeutic purposes.  - oops, am I thinking out loud again ?

  You do  remind me of my best friend - he always feels that there have to be pots boiling or coming to a boil on three or more stoves all at once or life is lacking dimension. I like to have more than one thing goin’ on, it’s true. But I seem to have a very sensitive alarm that goes off when there’s more coming at me than I can deal with effectively - plus I like to leave a healthy buffer zone or margin of error just in case of a rogue situation or unforeseen whammy out there.

Okay, sermon is done. Pass the collection plate.

Not a lot else to pass on about the goings on up here. Today was the first time working outside in shorts was comfortable, functional and fashionable.

Gonna go and see Jersey Boys at the flicks and am looking forward to it big time. There were a few weeks in my age of discovery when I was really torn between The Beatles and The Four Seasons.

The riddle last time was sunlight.

I will send another after your next one and I want to emphasize that that does not have to be anytime soon if circumstances dictate thusly, Carolyn.



All images sourced from Google Images

Fig. 1 - www.
Fig. 2 -
Fig. 3 -
Fig. 4 -
Fig. 5 - www.

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