Friday, June 20, 2014

Twistin' the day away.

Hi Carolyn,

Ironic, ain't it, that the " summer season", when the overall vibe is supposedly one of slowing down and chilling out , seems to be the most busy and frenetic. Even after leaving the academic daily treadmill it continues.  In fact it seems to have ramped up a notch or three since then. It sounds like, from your last entry, that you're finding a bit of the same.

Anyhow, got back from the land that Wi-Fi forgot and it made me think  about the state of digital dependence I seem to be in.  I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in this here  state,  either. What started it all was my thinking I was so smart by downloading the file you sent me with the Captain Jackson novel thereupon. I knew I was going to a household with no such thing as an internet anything, but I figured I'd download the whole file onto my trusty old 1st gen I-pad and I could at least read through the stuff while I was there.

Discovered that the file had been downloaded but backed up to " the cloud" so I could not get to it at all. Of course I had made a conscious choice to back up all my stuff to this location when I first set things up. It wasn't one of those dotty senior things so much as I just didn't plan for the visit the in-laws scenario when I made the choice to have my data sent to this location. Ahh... the future isn't always convenient, eh. 

Be back to the Jackson stuff before I go but on to more recent history.

The truculent weather has been kicked about  here lately and I have to harken back to it big time this week just because I was a first-hand witness most recently. We sat with my LSBH's parents watching the news about the big double-twister activity in Nebraska a day before we left.  I figured that most of it would have blown out before it hit our neck of the woods.

The next day, on the road home,  we got to within a couple of hours of our place and things got interesting. These were highways we've travelled all months of the year for decades and we knew that in the winter they can be quite bitchy, but this was summer and this was different. It turns out that the same system that kicked the crap out of Nebraska hopscotched over to mid-Ontario and touched down again.  The sky had that funny color thing that you always hear people talk about in post-tornado mode.  We got to see it pass all around us as we were driving and at one point it was ominous enough and rocked the truck to the extent that we had to pull off for about ten minutes and just be buffeted by the wind. . The sky did that funny color thing more than once. I got the feeling that  we should have been full-tilt storm-chasers.

So, briefly back to Captain Jackson . Having just finished a full-tilt re-acquaintance session I am still more than mildly curious to see if his creator was familiar with Jack Hays, the man who is generally credited with being the heart and soul of the original Texas Rangers.  Was Hays, perhaps, part of his inspiration. If you run into him anytime soon, Carolyn, please be sure to ask.

I would not be surprised to look up at the big screen sometime soon and see his marine unit thereupon.

Riddles are up now, and rightly so.

here's one:

Warming, comforting and
bursting with electrifying power
Searing, blinding and capable of killing those
not prepared or protected.

Catch ya later,


All images sourced from Google Images

Fig. 1 -
Fig. 2 -
Fig. 3 -
Fig. 4 -
Fig. 5 - www.


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