Sunday, June 15, 2014

Frantic and Amazed in Colorado

Good morning Don,
Sorry that this won't be a long blog - last of the quarter, lots of papers to grade from anxious-about-their grade students who are just now paying attention to their grades. On top of this, I have several end of the year reports that have to be completed by the end of the week. Nothing like last minute. For many, administrations and student alike, things never become important until they are on fire. Ah well.
Most importantly, our son and his wife are due to touch down in the US for a couple of weeks and will arrive on Wednesday. It's been a year since we've seen them, so we are excitedly trying to figure out schedules so that we can get together are a family. Never thought coordinating 6 adults and 3 children could be so time consuming! There is an answer!  Just haven't tumbled on it yet.

Isn't it interesting that a mean-spirited campaign no longer carries the success rate it use to. It is nice to know that people are waking up. I think it is easier to forgive people for being human and doing dumb, stupid things, but mean is no longer tolerated. Well Done, Canada! Now if we can only get people here in the States to do the same thing.

Read the headlines that water has been found 400 miles under the Earth's crust. Amazing! So this brings a lot of speculation to mind: is the water hot? Is the Earth's crust floating on this water bed? Are earthquakes just some thing turning over in the Earth bed? If some yahoo decides to drill for the water, and it is hot, will the earth loose steam, and like a balloon, be spun through the solar system? Just a thought.

And Don, what are the answers to last two riddles?

Have a great week everyone!


Earth Balloon and hand with needle retrieved from www.colourbox.com480

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