Friday, May 30, 2014

The climes they are-a-changin'

" The force can have a strong influence on the weak-minded"
Obi Wan Kenobi

Hi Carolyn,

First of all I am somewhat incredulous - tornadoes in the mountains??!!

 I do believe you may be right when you say the climate is changing before our eyes.

Actually it was your mention of twisters 'tween the peaks that precipitated the direction of  this blog.  I managed, not surprisingly, to spiral off course when I started. I thought I'd troll Google  about tornadoes in the mountains.  Of course that meant I'd be sent to YouTube. I think I had the same kind of can't stand still spring fever that you talked about recently. When I got to my first destination online I could not keep on my initial course to save my meagre soul. 

There were some tidbits there about twisters but I'm afraid I didn't get to them because I got sidetracked - as I frequently do, when I go anywhere near the video end of the web. It's like going out to get a single loaf of bread at the biggest, brightest and most most glittery mall in the world -the Emerald City of malls, if you will. I knew, as soon as I was clicking on the YouTube link,  that this would not be accomplished in a few minutes .

Don't  ask me how it happened but there I was, within mere minutes, watching a cat playing " 96 Tears " on the organ, just as close to a million and a half other weak-minded surfers have in the last few days.

I watched it twice !

 Yes, it's puerile, and yes it's no-brainer stuff.  But, first of all,  I'm a sucker for that bare-bones elemental  1966 rock  song that is  a cornerstone in the pantheon of  garage band rock. I even played it ad nauseum on my trombone in the down-time between pieces at band practise in high school.

Floating along in that YouTube stream of intellectual semi-consciousness also leads me to another tornado item. It concerns a recent experience in Portugal with a phenomenon that looks like an approaching tornado but is, in fact, a vortex of mosquitos. I think I ran into one of those earlier this week at the end of the yard, except it was full of  black flies. I hope you don't encounter anything similar.

If it seems unbelievable you could check it out on YouTube.

 On second thought, stay away from YouTube unless you have a  strong sense of focus at the time. Otherwise you will be inviting damaging intellectual climate change of the most common-denominator variety. If your defenses are down you too will find yourself watching house pets trussed up in calico shirts and being made to do things they would not ordinarily do. Fortunately, cats are incapable of being embarrassed. 

They may even be laughing at us.

Also, I do, quite happily,  own up to being a gearhead and I am surprised that you are surprised, Carolyn. A number of my blogs, like the Red Barchetta item about Rush must have tipped my hand. Even while I was being mesmerised by the Beatles I was also all wide-eyed about the Beach Boys " Little Deuce Coupe"

Okay Don. Snap out of it!  

To the riddles.

Believe it or not, my last riddle was paper. It does have a habit of piling up in mountains and the digital age hasn't banished it yet. Your visit to the bookshop certainly attests to the fact that the sheer tactile experience of reading a book and physically turning each page isn't lost yet by a longshot. 

  here's another riddle to kick about:

Won't always pull together when needed
Better than pushing and pressing buttons
Teeth, sometimes in the hundreds



All images sourced from Goggle Images

Fig. 1 -
Fig. 2 -
Fig. 3 -
Fig. 4 -
Fig. 5 -

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