Saturday, May 31, 2014

Cosmos, Facebook, Ted Talks and YouTube, Transport 32

Don, I enjoyed your title: "The climes they are-a-changin".  I so understand your hesitation about YouTube. It is a bit like Ted Talks – once I get started, I just can't seem to stop! Do I really need to know all this? Or am I just fascinated with moving pictures on my computer instead of my TV? Who knows!
It has been a long week of report writing (that time of the school year), grading and getting the next Transport ready for publication and  the website. I'm also managing the Riddle contest through Facebook and that has in and of itself has turned into one of those YouTube, Ted Talks adventures.
My daughter and daughter-in-law use Face Book as a way of keeping in touch. I'm getting used to it. I'd prefer a "Hey Mom!" email, but at least I know they're alive and well and having a good time. I've given up on Twitter at the moment, don't think I could handle any more "intellectual semi-consciousness" as you call it. The writing group, that I participate with on Face Book has just the right amount of incoming information for me to feel like I've reached out and learned a bit more about others.
I've been looking to tone my core a bit so that it is easier for me to power walk. Getting the information turned into an adventure of which app did I use, which app did I want to use to pay someone to collect the information for me , or would I prefer to do the seek and cuss method of uncovering the information myself. I stopped looking. Do I really need to know how a celebrity does weight loss and toning? They have several hours a day to devote to this – I have 15 minutes here and there. Still looking for the right "here and there" method.

As for the "climes a-changin", the news out on carbon dioxide levels, especially in the northern hemisphere, are not good. Apparently we've reached that tipping point of 400 a couple of years early. I ran across several magnificent videos that discuss climate change. I'm surprised at the number of people who still believe that the myth of a warmer earth is a Democratic care tactic. The first video is a section from Cosmos which will air Sunday night; the other is just funny comment on facing thefacts.

and available through Amazon! I sent it on to the web developers and they'll have samples of it on the Wormhole Electric website by Friday, June 6th. We're also running a free story this month, Jeph Keir's Bone Mechanic. Jeph is one of those writers who gets better with each story. Bone Mechanic is the first of his Iron Sky stories. I should say, the first Iron Sky story he shared with us. T32 also has the last episode of Ariel's Telepaths' Song. This last chapter in the life of the Edgewalker, Ara, has all the drama of a good soap opera. It has been a pleasure to showcase Ariel's work. Last but definitely not least (more like saving the best for last) is Tammy's President and the Pea. An absolutely mind-bending story about the cover up of the assassination of the President of the United States – or maybe the assassination of the president, but probably  not... Tammy's most excellent "what if..." left me doubting the main character, and yet, maybe there was a possibility that, naw, that couldn't happen, could it?  Give it a read and let me know what you think.
July is the showcasing of some of the books Wormhole authors have written in the last year. The line-up is impressive. I'm looking forward to that event! And just to put a not too fine a point on it, August and September we showcase two new authors! Exciting times here at Wormhole Electric!
Riddles – my guess is Zipper. Am I at least close?
And for you:
Walk inside
Cross hatch and zones
Corners and stops
Always transverse safely

Have a great week everyone!

 All images downloaded from google images
Fig 1 – YourTube retrieved from
Fig 2 – Ted Talks Happy 5th B-Day Ted Talks retrieved from
Fig 3 – Cosmos: Spacetime Odyssey retrieved from
Fig 4 – Created and developed by L. Varvel for Wormhole Electric ezine 

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