Friday, May 16, 2014

Monsters, Queens and The Montreal Canadiens

Hi Carolyn,

So, I can't help but notice that you seem to be on a wee bit of a self-sufficiency streak in the last little bit. Homemade yogurt, ( or is it yoghurt ? )  growing your own " shrooms" and getting into container gardening. Do you have some insider info on the apocalypse or a rogue Armageddon that the rest of us are not privy to ?  Is this to ensure your survival ensconced up there in the unbreakable  Rockies while we vulnerable folk down on the tablelands are vaporized by some cataclysmic event or another?

I will certainly acknowledge that your nutritional efforts in the DIY vein are more noble than mine. Pickled sausages, beef jerky, hard apple cider and some hemp related container gardening efforts back in the mid 70's are more the lines I've tended to follow.

BTW , I was recently going through the latest catalogue from my most favorite store in the known universe - Lee Valley -  and see that they have some very well designed and thought out container garden setups. You may want to give them a quick boo. At the risk of sounding like I am shilling for said company, I have yet to purchase something from Lee Valley that I have found suspect in terms of quality or performance. I have been dealing with them a decade and a half.  They are my go to place for woodworking, garden or cabinetry and kitchen stuff.

 Okay, end of shameless huckstering part of this entry.

Speaking of gardening and things outdoorsy, we are working on our second frost warning night in a row. Conventional wisdom in these here parts is to only put in the heartiest of annuals before the May 24 holiday weekend that is almost upon us. 

Right now, there are are lotsa folks about on the thoroughfares in and around Owen Sound who have piloted their SUV's up from the urban reaches of Toronto looking to open their cottages, camp out and such. Their mettle - and their insulation, will be tested this year, to be sure.

 I believe you folks celebrate it as  Memorial Day holiday weekend. Up here its colloquially known as the " May 24 " weekend. Technically its Victoria Day commemorating that long-lived  Anglo-Saxon Queen. C'mon, who are we kidding, on both sides of the border its simply the opening of the summer season, and the official shake off the wretched refuse of winter holiday.  

  Well  raise my rent ! I see that  Godzilla (ゴジラ, Gojira?)  is being trundled out for another go round in blockbustermovieland. What is it about that ill-tempered, over-achieving  Japanese Gila monster that keeps him/her/it  out there? On quick reconsideration I do believe it is a she.Deadbeat Hubby Godzilla is probably at home decked out in his team  undershirt and firmly planted in his mountainous Barca-Lounger, Bud-Light in claw,  his huge beady lizard eyes darting back and forth as he follows the  NBA playoffs  on a big screen TV of unfathomable dimensions. 

Funny thing I should mention monstrous upsetting activities since there was one in my particular world very recently. My beloved Montreal Canadiens ousted the loutish Boston Bruins in NHL playoffs. I had to quickly jump back on the bandwagon as I had fundamentally written them off. Biggest mea culpa I've had to come up with in quite a while.

As for my own sporting activities right now - the pic says it all about how this years 8-ball playoffs went for me and the team I am on.

Okay, how bout some less than monstrous but fair to middlin'  riddlin' .  My " ferrous" item from last time was magnetism, a most attractive quality in animal or metallic mineral form. I am guessing that yours is a portable digital music player . 

 Here is my item for this time around, and I apologize in advance for its prolixity:

I'm an innocuous stand-in for war
a redirecting conduit for that atavism
our prehistoric forbears bequeathed
to us

Okay, that's all for now.
All images sourced from Google images.
Fig. 2 -
Fig. 3 -
Fig. 6 -


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