Sunday, February 9, 2014

Silly people and Winners

Good morning, Don. Hopefully you are enjoying the radiant warmth of the south and that your trip there was uneventful.

I’m in good company with your better half – I’ve been watching the ice team dancing this morning instead of getting this blog done. Time to tear myself away! Marvelous! The Russian Team was exceptional! I kept thinking they weren’t doing any jumps or throws – I had to remember that ice team dancing doesn’t allow that. I admire the grace, the flow, the team work that goes into making such a difficult routine look flawless.

I’m envious of your time to read! I have been reading student papers – Heinlein they are not. We did finally make it to a bookstore yesterday. We took 3 hours wandering around, sampling this and that… we both came home with books to read. I love a good murder mystery so I picked the latest in the cat in the library series, and I also picked the first book of a new sci fi fantasy series – a new author for me. I’ll let you know how they turn out. I’m really cautious about reading books in the middle of the quarter – I get so involved that I will put off absolutely everything (including dinner and sleep) to finish the book. Not a good idea when you have 100 students waiting for their papers to be graded.

I’m scheduled to judge the latest writing contest with One of our Wormhole writers, Tamara, is also judging. I’m really excited! Anyone interested in participating – come on along and join the fun! This contest the participants also get to judge. I believe the adventure is to write a story in 3 sentences. Curious? Join in!

We got Transport 28 up on Amazon and samples up on the website. It is a unique group of stories! I’m finishing the content editing for March’s ezine, Transport 29. I keep trying to put Ariel’s Telepath’s Song off – I want it to linger and to savor the story. But all good stories must be revealed sometime. Ariel is currently rewriting it into a screen play! Not sure when she’ll have time! Next weekend it is likely that she’ll be in Boston for the BOSKONE. She’s also involved in the planning for CONTATA 7 in Morristown, N.J., and a filk AAconvention. We’re running part 2 of the Telepath’s Song in March.

Okay, so we’ve probably talked to death the weather. So I thought I would talk about the silly things people do in winter. For example: my husband and I were walking through the parking lot after a night class last week and we saw people had pulled their windshield wipers up off the front window. I’m assuming it is to keep the wipers from freezing to the windshield. Okay. I get that. We walked by one set of wipers that had long fuzzy sweat socks over them…Another example: I was standing in a Starbucks, watching it snow and blow, the temperature was maybe zero. Everyone around me was dressed in heavy winter coats, scarves, hats, gloves. A woman dressed in a flimsy plunging neck see through blouse, light jacket, heels that must have been 3 inches high, short short skirt that barely covered her tushie, no coat, no scarf, no gloves came in … she tossed her long brown hair and announced, “I’m cold!” I don’t think there was a straight face in the place. No one rushed to give her a coat.

I have a couple of others, but I’ll save them for another day.

In the riddle cave: Soup it was! And I made more this morning.

And I have no idea what you’re riddling about! My mind just isn’t clicking into any kind of answer that makes sense. Uncle!

For your viewing pleasure:
Plastic and steel
Pointed and blunt
Hanging around to help
Hang around
Have a great week everyone!

All images downloaded from google images:
Fig 1 – Planning your trip retrieved from
Fig 2 – Russia takes early lead retrieved from
Fig 3 – PHD Comics: Lather, rinse, repeat retrieved from
Fig 4 – How to change wipers retrieved from

Fig 5 – wipers and socks by Hertha, B. retrieved from

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