Sunday, February 16, 2014

Meteors, the Jet Stream and The Fourth Turning Generations

Good Morning, Don,

I was thrilled to hear that you made it out of the snowy north before the next round of snow and cold. I loved the picture of you in Mexico with your northern duds on. And that bus! What a behemoth! Was it as comfortable as it looked? You said the air conditioning rivaled the cold you’d just escaped.

I remember the total disconnect I had between cold Colorado weather and warm Hawaiian weather in December. People were running around in shorts and flip flops… and even though I was sweating in my hoodie, knees socks and heavy shoes, I had trouble adjusting my mind to warm in December!

We talked to our son in China, just northwest of Hong Kong, last night (Skype) and they are experiencing record cold – zero degrees Celsius or 32 degrees Fahrenheit. I remember when they transferred from Bosnia last August and they said they were giving away their heavy coats and most of their blankets. I wanted to say then that maybe they should keep something. But they were so sure it would always be warm. They bought a small heater and are now more comfortable.

I read that it is suspected that as the Artic warms up, the jet stream will dip a bit more south and that will cause winters in the northeast to be longer and colder. All that fresh water we’re pumping into the environmental system has to go somewhere.

Don, did you know that a rather large meteorite is going to pass by Earth tomorrow? I won’t be able to see it, but NASA will live stream it. The United Nations is calling for a global effort to get together and work out united efforts on how to deal with meteorites. That should be interesting.

I agree with you, it is amazing how fast things grow when they have constant sunlight and water. So how long have you been going south for the winter? I’m just trying to figure out how many feet a year the trees are growing. Do people mow lawns there? We noticed in Hawaii that most lawns were a different type of grass that spread out instead of getting tall.

I noticed you were on the VW hunt again. I saw the VW turned truck. The VW would actually make a decent small truck. I was sorry to hear that they are now coming out at night - didn't you say that night was the time for all good people to be tucked quietly into their own compounds? 

I remember last year you were devastated by people texting and talking on their phones while they were walking the ruins. Did you see much of that this year? It doesn’t look like the local reptile population will be joining the Wired Generation any time soon. Just how big was that lizard you took a picture of? Without any references, he looked big enough to rival the dragons!

I loved your description of fashion conscious. I noticed a large number of young women wearing tights and mirco thin thigh high stiletto leather boots early last week when our temperatures blushed out of the single digits. They said their feet were cold and they just didn’t understand! They had boots on!

I’ve been working on the Wired Generation project. As I’ve read more and more about them, their characteristics seemed familiar, like another generation I’d read about. With the help of a librarian friend, I was able to track down a book I’d read years ago called The Fourth Turning by Strauss and Howe.

Their theory is that there are 4 generation archetypes that have continually shown up in American History since the 1600s – the hero, the artist, the prophet and the nomad. The Millennials are very similar in attitude to the GI Generation of the 30s, 40s, and 50s (the Hero archetype). Their theory is that Boomers are the Prophets and Generation X is the Nomad. I’ll read more about it today. This concept definitely opens up a new thought line about this generation.

Larry shared a link with me that I think is a most excellent representation for this generation.

I confess that I have an outstanding cold! Riddles are the last thing on my mind at this moment. All I really want to do is crawl back into bed, so I’m going to not do riddles week. I appreciate your entry, Don. But my mind is clogged up and your words aren’t registering for me at all. Let your riddle ride to next week.

For those of you who haven’t yet but are thinking about it… join the writing contest! And hurry up! I’m a judge and I’ve been reading the entries and they are amazing! But we can always use more entries! Besides! It is FREE!!

As to my own writing, for those of you who are “older women” or know “older women”, check out my newnon-fiction book on estrogen and women. I learned a lot from the project and I’ve included a large number of resources, some diet and exercise ideas. It is a pre-primer to get women started on the rest of their healthy lives.

Have a great week everyone!


Images downloaded from google images
Fig 1 – Everything you know about getting warm retrieved from
Fig 2 – What causes jet streams retrieved from
Fig 3 – book cover retrieved from
Fig 4 – Aug 11 retrieved from 

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