Sunday, February 23, 2014

Bosnia, Changes at Wormhole, Wired Generation

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Good Morning, Don!
Sounds like you are having a right nice time tucked away in the warmer regions of North America. I loved your pictures of the church and the streets of the area you are in.  And your description of the houses being made out of concrete and stone and how that turns them into acoustic delights made me laugh. I remember singing and playing and laughing in an apartment stairwell as a child  that was made out of concrete – the residences of the apartment building finally asked me to please go home!  

 You mentioned Bosnia, Sarajevo and the war. You’re right, when our son first said they were going to Bosnia, I was a bit concerned! But I talked to a gentleman whose daughter had just recently transferred back from there (she is a human rights litigationist). He told me the kids would be safer in Bosnia than they would be on the streets of New York. I did some research, I was okay after that.

 Your street pictures reminded me of several streets we took in Sarajevo that to me were not even the width of an alley. I’ve been seeing in the Yahoo News the derelict ski jumps left over from the 1984 Olympics in Bosnia. What the news reporters fail to report is that there are land mines all over the ski areas. Even if the ski jumps were in good condition, the landing could be bit dicey.

It is interesting that we’d talk about Bosnia – The Three Miracles of Djerzelez (a story we’ve been publishing) takes place in and around Sarajevo and Mostar. It concludes next month. Fine story! Filled with intrigue, mystery, murder, mafia, mayhem, monsters, witches… all the good stuff.

I just finished the first round of judging for Great entries! My fellow judge and I had a tough time coming up with just 3 finalists. And actually, we begged to be allowed a 4th finalist. The finalists now get to create another 3 sentence story. Watch for it! We are talking amazing gifted writers!

We’re going to be making some changes at Wormhole. I recently received a good mystery rough draft, but we don’t publish mystery… but it is a good story! So, being the publisher, I’ve made the executive decision to open up the genres to include mystery and more action adventure. It was suggested we accept romance, but I’m not familiar enough with the genre to be comfortable editing it.  

My review of literature for the Wired Generation continues. I think I mentioned last week that this new Millennial Generation is in many ways like the GI Generation also known as the Hero Archetype. Don, you and fit into the Prophet Archetype, and Generation X compares quite well with the Nomad Archetype.  We’re prophets, Don… do you believe it?

This week I’ve been looking into articles by socio-cultural psychologists and psychological learning theorists. Mostly it is about what we know about learning: it is sharing understanding; computers and technology dislocate students from instructors, self, peers; social interaction is necessary for learning; students learn what they want from the internet, interact by telling their friends about what they’ve learned…so what is missing from this equation? Mentors. Students are more often than not led by their peers, people who are on the same level they are on. 

Can personal/educational growth occur if the blind lead the blind?

Have a great week everyone!

Fig 1 – personal picture file
Images downloaded from Google Images;
Fig 2 – 1984 Ski jump Bosnia, Sarajevo retrieved from
Fig 3 – Blind Leading the Blind retrieved from cuntinglinguist.ocm
Fig 4 – Business mentor retrieved from

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