Sunday, February 2, 2014

Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock, Elementary what a Deal!

Good morning, Don.
Saw the pictures of your snow – WOW! The gleam of the Christmas lights on the Rose of Sharon tree are beautiful. And yeah, I’m sure they help people to see where the road is. Ten days without school – I bet the kids are like in seventh heaven! And the teachers are wondering how far into June they’re going to have to keep the kids as kid thoughts turn from school to Summer Time! As I’ve been on both sides of the results of too much snow, I can truthfully say I don’t know which is harder - having to go to school later in June or teaching later in June.
Storms do have a way of interfering with renovations! Sorry about that. I’ve often thought of the pioneers and at one time in my youth I thought that might be a great adventure. Now that I’m “older and wiser”, I have to say that microwaves, running water and gas fireplaces are a nice touch to the human condition.
I wish I could say that the 3-day snow storm we just got rid of left feet of snow here. It didn’t, at least not in the city. We got about 7 inches, but it is sugar fine snow – a good breeze will blow it away. What made this storm dangerous for us was the slush turned to ice covered by snow. Thursday morning, the temperature was 55 degrees – by 2 in the afternoon, the temperature was about 30. The falling snow melted and froze on the streets. Coloradoans just aren’t use to that kind of driving!
I looked up “Texas Low” out of curiosity. And you’re right, ominous, forbidding, big… it happens when an Alberta Clipper (moving west to east) collides with a Texas Low (moving south to north). There was one last year in early February that grounded just about everything in the northern states and lower Ontario. Karl Gotthardt, author of the article “Severe Weather: When a Texas low and an Alberta clipper collide,” said that it gave new meaning to the slogan “Don’t Mess with Texas.”  I hope you make it out in between storms.
The biggest question around here is whether or not the Super Bowl will be played. There is the thought that it could be squeezed in between storms – we’ll see how that works out. I understand the financial kickback to a city that hosts the Super Bowl – but I’m not sure why people just refuse to admit that February weather, also known as winter, is not Fall weather! There will snow, there will be delays; people invested in the game are not going to be happy campers. Just have the game in the south or in a stadium that has a roof and be done with it!
A couple of my students had a rather loud discussion about Sherlock Holmes this last week. One student was emphasizing that the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle series was not being “honored” by the recent series and movies.
This is when I realized that I’ve been following the Robert Downey Jr./Jude Law movies, Sherlock with Benedict Cumberbatch/Martin Freeman series and the most recent addition to the genre, Elementary with Jonny Lee/Lucy Lui. And quite frankly, I find all of them contributing to the mystic of Sherlock Holmes. I’m not offended by any of the representations. Each one has its own twist that makes it different from the others and each is very watchable.
The Sherlock Holmes movies with Robert Downey Jr and Jude Law are action! Blow ‘em up run for your life! Pure adrenalin rushes. Lestrade, Mycroft and Moriarty are just as they are in the books.
Sherlock, with Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman are also true to the Doyle characters. Andrew Scott as Moriarty was exceptionally well done. In this day and age, to have a main character that is condescending sometimes leaves a bad taste in my mouth, but the chemistry between Cumberbatch and Freeman is electrifying. And other characters are beginning to take on an important role. Mrs. Hudson, Molly Hooper and brother Mycroft have been allowed by the writers to become important pieces to the Holmes puzzle.
The greatest changes to the Sherlock legacy has been with the America TV series, Elementary. Not only has Sherlock ditched England and Mrs. Hudson, and not only is Watson a woman (Lucy Lui) but so is Moriarty (Natalie Dormer).  There have been some significant character changes in Sherlock’s character. Jonny Lee still plays the character  as condescending and ego-centric, but there are cracks in the great Sherlock Holmes’s persona. He is becoming aware of his fellow man and I have to admit, it is refreshing to see the character grow. His brother Mycroft is a weaselly, but Capt. Gregson (Aidan Quinn) takes the place of bumbling Lestrade and that too is refreshing.
I’ll have to look into the internet radio stations. With everything else that is available, it never crossed my mind that radio stations would also be available. I think I should also look for TV stations, the storms in the east have knocked out our dish reception.
You guessed the riddle for my Julian Fellowes entry – a thumb drive which was correct! (By the way, we have not returned to Downton Abby)
Your riddle? Book covers? The dust bunnies have me a bit befuddled.

Here is my contribution for the week:
Stacked high with edibles
Covered with elixir and a bouquet of spices
Placed lovingly into a vessel
Heated to just right
Always hits the spot

Gottahard, K. (2.8.13) Severe Weather: When a Texas low and an Alberta clipper collide. Retrieved from

All images retrieved from Google Images:

Fig 1 –Gas Fireplace Retrieved from 

Fig 2 – snow Day retrieved from 

Fig 3 – Heavy rain, strong winds retrieved from

Fig 4 – Into the Hive Mind Retrieved from 

Fig 5 – Here come Holmes retrieved from 

Fig 6 – elementary'exc rules

Fig 7 – Cosmic Dust bunnies retrieved from

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