Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Eyes Have It

Hi Carolyn,

Just exactly where did the last week go?? It's been seven days  mainly filled with putting things away and getting things ready for the winter and it seems to have positively  hurtled by. There's been none of the dreaded white stuff yet in these parts and none in the forecast. But ! That doesn't mean I'm letting my guard down - not a chance!

Speaking of letting down the guard -  the old guard in this case -  it seems those right and left wingers who have been monopolizing the news waves lately have managed to fly in unison long enough to get through this latest Washington boondoggle. I think the best thing that could be done with the whole indictable lot, both houses and the White House, is to strap them all to their respective chairs for a three or four day filibuster by Bert and Ernie on the topic of co-operation.

Your investigation of cyborg enhancements sounds extremely cool - especially the part about "supersenses". I too am intrigued by the prospect of seeing music in 3D.

 Your question as to what music or sound I would like to experience in that enhanced manner has stuck with me inextricably since I first read it.  I’ve given it plenty of think time whilst doing all the menial stuff that's made up much of each subsequent day. 

 I haven't been off on a musically induced tangent for awhile, so buckle up!

I think, experienced visually, the full orchestral stuff would be simply overwhelming unless it was only a few instruments.  So I’d pick something simple but compelling , say,  Ravel’s Bolero, or some piano concertos.  I almost can’t imagine seeing something like the 1812 0verture or The William Tell in this manner.  Thus Spake Zarathustra would be cool as Hades, too.

  Although,  it might be difficult to distinguish readily, on sight alone, between say the thin reedy voice of Dylan making his way thru Like a Rolling Stone and the thin reedy voice of Lennon  in  Imagine, or the thin reedy voice of Tom Petty or thin reedy voice of Bob Marley, unless the rhythms and other sonic components of each composition were distinctly displayed. With hearing we can catch the diff immediately, though.

I am assuming that this music is being experienced strictly by the eyes, i.e. there would be no actual sounds. I guess the imaginations ear can be just as potent as the imaginations eye. After all didn't Beethoven compose brilliantly even after he was deaf.?

Voices would be the most intriguing for me, I think. How would the gravely and unmistakable pipes of Louis Armstrong in Hello Dolly look, or the basso profundo of Tennessee Ernie Ford booming out  Sixteen  Tons ,  or  Ray Charles just a'wailing his way thru What'd I Say   or a really pure voice like  K.D, Lang's in
Leonard Cohen’s  Hallelujah .

How would individual instruments look, for example,  the saucy  honk of a sax, or the mellow flow of a cello ?   The intervals between sounds/sights would vary with the music but I wonder how the sound of each would look. And lets not even think of those electric guitar wizards who can mimic other instruments. Can you imagine Hendrix or Clapton in visual 3D ? - man this is almost too much!

Truly, as you can see,  this one has got me going in lotsa directions - I mean how would our own voices look to us ?? Would my voice look just like my dad’s or my brother’s ??  Could I make my voice look like someone else's ?

I simply have to pull back now, or I'll be gone until the snow flies. But I wholeheartedly agree,  sounds to be seen would surely be a sight to behold!

There were some other items I wanted to touch on, like how scientists think it could be raining diamonds on Saturn ( talk about A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall ) or how the holiday weekend visit with our daughter went, or the simple but effective devices the Mayans, like the Romans employed to store and conserve that precious H2O. All for other moments, I guess.

To the you-know-what cave.  BTW I chalk that last one of yours up as one of my more interesting recent things I've learned - that there is such a thing as an " ice-cream fork" - far out!

Your guess for my last riddle is quite correct - given the clues provided.  I had actually been thinking of a hypodermic needle.  Subsequently I went back to my riddle file to discover that I had left the word " metallic" out of my original clues. Without that  your guess is easily as good as mine - in fact, with the clues I provided I would have guessed your guess too.  Careless, careless Don trying to do too many things at once.


Your most recent offering is, (and I think there may be a more specific term for it but I am a complete stranger to organized exercise so I don't know for sure ) an exercise ball. You know, one of those big rubber ball doohickeys that you sit on and bounce around and stuff.

HEY ! Maybe someone should paint some of these balls to look like the heads of  the prominent Republicans or Democrats who've been exercising their petty, partisan grudges at the expense of everyday peoples livelihoods  so that bouncing some sense into his or her noggin could provide additional gratification.

So here is mine for this time.

I need two or more pairs of eyes to do my job
Keep me tightly constrained or I will trip you up
Thankyou again Carolyn for the chance to go trippin' in music land.
All images sourced from Google Images
Fig. 1 -
Fig. 2 -
Fig. 3 -
Fig. 4 -
Fig. 5 -
Fig. 6 -
Fig. 7 -
Fig. 8 -

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