Sunday, October 6, 2013

Repbulican Tempertantrum, Colorado Express and Whatchamacallits

Good Morning, Don! And a glorious morning it is! I so understand your enthusiasm for the fall! Here in town we had maybe ½ inch of snow, cold rain late Friday, and now the skies are crystal blue, temperature is cool – long shirt sleeve weather – sorry to hear that our little weather maker caused such problems east and north of us! Three and half feet of snow is something I don’t wish on anyone. Did you get some of it?

Our trip into the mountains didn’t provide us with any aspen color. It just hasn’t been cold enough at night for the trees to realize winter is coming. Here in town, everything is still pretty green, but there are trees here and there that have gotten the word that it is time to shut down. It was a bit scary thinking that the rain on Friday could have at any time turned into an ice storm. I’m beginning to think that maybe global warming is giving us “autumn” as opposed to the “fall” we usually have.

I’d never heard about Colorado Lows, the Colorado Haymaker or the Colorado Express Train! Wow! But I have experienced the Alberta High. Once it makes it this far south, the winds get wicked!

So here in the States we are experiencing a bit of “drama” as the Republicans throw themselves around and trash dramatically at Democrats for being the cause of all things bad. I have to admit that it reminds me of rebellious teenagers lashing out against authority. They want everyone to follow rules, but don’t feel that they should have to.

The shutdown has been interesting – like what is considered essential and non-essential. Flight controllers, FEMA. National Weather – non essential? Full time vs part time and which one to do without depends on the department…most interesting is how the Republican party has tried to write exceptions for  certain governmental groups and departments but not necessarily those departments that are most helpful for the public. It’s like “no” doesn’t apply to them and what they want.

Last year I read an article on “group think” that led a large team of experienced back country skiers to cross an avalanche field even though several members of the team thought it was an unsafe traverse. There were strong leaders in the group who convinced the group it was okay, and the desire by the others to belong to the group, to be loyal to the group, proved to be fatal. We see the same things happening in government. It appears to be better to be committed to “the group/the party” than it is to show common sense, be rational or thoughtful.

The really sad thing to me is we are becoming like other countries in the world where the government can disagree with itself, hold the people hostage and the people tolerate it. In the States we have become government for the “Party” instead of government for the people. Special interests are more important than the man on the street. Such is the power of democracy.

Doohickey, gizmo, thingamabob! I believe these are generational words, not held to a particular society or culture. I’ve gotten frustrated in class – not been able to find the right word and I’ll substitute in whatchamacallit – you know, that thing- and students look at me like I’m speaking a foreign language. Some of the older students understand and smile – even the ones from foreign countries, but the younger students just don’t know how to fill in the blanks. They just don't understand "ya know, the STUFF!"

Riddles! Joy of the week. Okay, my last one was garden globe lights. We don’t have fire flies here, but if it continues to warm up, maybe we will!

I think yours is chop sticks.

Okay – try this:

Found world-wide as tines of wood or steel

Used for meat, vegetables and ice cream

 Before I forget! Transport 25 is available! New writer - Jack Levravich takes us on a ride through Bosnia as Mick tries to resolve a witches' curse; Tamara's story of fear of heights is fabulous and Lisa pulls all her characters together in one place in hopes they survive the upcoming storm from "The Other".
Don! Kitchen renovations! Good Luck! In our house I am the one who uses the kitchen the most, I clean it, stock it, do most of the cooking - everyone else is a guest in my kitchen. You can use it, borrow it, but you will respect the way I want it to be set up. I may not be boss in very many places; the kitchen is one of them.
The holodeck idea is now going into department stores - sorry, I wish I'd paid closer attention to the news clip, just caught the end - but people can now try on clothes without having to go into the dressing room - just stand in front of the "mirror" and the clothes you want to try on appear and you step into the image. This also helps with matching shoes, jewelry and bags... believe it or not!
Well, I think I've finally come to the end of my rambles and catch up.
Have a great week everyone!


Figures downloaded from Google Images:

Fig. 1 – autumn trees

Fig. 2 – "Thingamabob" Print Ad retrieved from

Fig 3 – Fireflies Photo retrieved from
Fig 4 - Transport 25 cover designed by Larry Varvel retrieved from title covers



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