Thursday, October 24, 2013

Problems, de-duct-ions and solutions.

hi Carolyn,

First of all, thanks for the heads up about the snow. It has arrived in all its flaky glory. Had to search out my window scraper before I could go anywhere in the truck this morning.

Ah, yes, duct tape. It's an indispensable around here, for sure. Just off hand I can think of four different things that currently owe their continuing functionality to the healing and sealing powers of that grey gooey godsend. A few years ago a couple of our more quirky friends invited a bunch of us to their home in another city for a boisterous evening, the sole purpose of which was the making duct tape wallets. That was when I discovered that there was duct tape available with the logo of the NHL team that even the hockey gods cheer for- les habitants.

I made a wallet that raucous evening which I carried proudly for a number of months thereafter. Then,  one very sticky day  I spent a few hours in a hot car seat while it was in my hip pocket and the heat fused together most of the compartments.  Fortunately,  I had the foresight not to carry my major documents in it or they would have been as difficult to retrieve as the folding money within was.

Actually, all this talk of the magic tape reminds me of one of those other seemingly Omni-useful substances - Vinegar. As long as I can remember its been touted as a clean-all, cure-all, and veritable philosopher's stone-ish substance. I took a bit of time to investigate some of the many things this elixir is supposed to be able to do. They are wondrous and plentiful to be sure!

 I've even tried a few in the last few months. I can personally testify that it isn't much of a weed and vegetation controller, nor is it particularly impressive as a rust remover, or ant discourager.  In the fall, when pickling and preserving season is hard upon us, this home is frequently redolent with its pungent odour, though. Its fundamental role in the pickling process makes up handily for all of the other shortcomings I've encountered.   

And as far as its use as a condiment on fries, like the man in black said in The Princess Bride  " I've not seen its equal"


One of my earliest recollections triggered by the sense of smell is of my mother diligently attacking the inside windows each spring with vinegar and newspapers and  filling the rooms with strange smells and squeaky sounds. I will admit that teaming it up with baking soda still offers  the best method for cleaning corroded battery terminals, the likes of which were found regularly on the jalopies I tooled around in as a teen.  It made things interesting in those old VW beetles  especially, since the battery was under the back seat. For the first few few jaunts after the battery was cleaned in this manner, the interior would smell somewhat acrid for a few minutes. - Ah, the good old days.

These kinds of solutions (pun intended) tend to harken back to a time when self-sufficiency and self-reliance were more valued traits, I think. We seem to be moving more towards a disposable culture where if it breaks you toss it and buy another rather than fix or repair it. That resurgence of crafts and creative pastimes of which you spoke, Carolyn,  may not be infiltrating the ranks of the Google generation to the extent that its being rediscovered by those further along the demographic curve.

While we're on the topic of solutions, H2O comes to mind briefly here and only because this coming Saturday is the sad day when I must behold the trusty barge we've sailed on a fair amount this summer, hoisted out of the water and placed in its winter perch on dry land.  Sniff.....

Carolyn, what's this I read of an academic writing proposal and acceptance?  Cool. I hope you'll keep us in the loop from time to time regarding your efforts. My daughter is currently putting the finishing touches on an article for The Journal of Popular Culture, too. She finds the whole process engrossing and gratifying.

From the ivory tower to the cave, then. My last item was actually shoelaces. I know I've tripped over mine more than a few times.

I'm very inclined to say your current riddle is eyeglasses, although the "stiff and formal"  part throws me off. Could they be opera glasses ? - Naw, that doesn't fit at all.  Sorry, I gotta put forth eyeglasses as my best bet here and I just know that it'll be something else that  I didn't see coming at all, even with my eyeglasses on. 

For this time I respectfully submit this offering:

Small and hard or large and fuzzy
Usually work in pairs
Sometimes exhibit the eyes of a snake 

Okay, gotta go throw some vinegar on those icy front steps......


Fig. 1-4   Sourced from Google Images

Fig. 1 -
Fig. 2 -
Fig. 3 -
Fig. 4 - Barnes&


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