Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Good News Is

Spiders, I think, already rule the world, Don. They just keep us around because we provide the foundation for their food supply. I’m sure there are other insect species that we do the same for. I have a contract with my spiders – outside is great! But not in the house. In the house they are fair game to destroyed. I have a similar contract with the bull snakes in the yard – don’t let me see you! But enjoy the yard! So far, it’s been fairly successful!

So, I finally finished my story! It turned out the way I planned, but getting there was a total surprise! The outline I had worked up to a point, then everything just kind of spun away from there. Thankfully the characters have stopped following me around demanding equal time! I’ve turned the story over to my editors – and I realized I have 3 male editors for a story about a woman… hummmm. I’m looking for another female editor – I think the story needs a woman’s touch.

You’ve been talking about your “box” of books, Don, and so I visited our “shelves”. I found Zenna Henderson’s The People series. Cruised through one book in about three days, and I’m now half way through the second book. I’m saving my favorite, The Any Thing Box for last. A friend suggested Terry Practchett so I was able to track down a couple of his books. I love breaks between the quarters – I get to catch up on my reading. But sometimes I’m reading so fast that by the time I get to the next book, I’ve forgotten what I read.

Some of the best news I’ve had all week was what Barnes and Noble is FINALLY letting go of the Nook! And they’re going back to selling books! What a concept!

I also had time to cruise through the news this morning. Found all sorts of interesting things happening in the world of science bordering on science fiction! A man by the name of Walter De Brouwer  has created a medical tricorder that records respiration, blood  pressure, temperature, and blood oxygenation. Called the Scanadu Scout, it will hook up to a mobile app and give you  results in 20 seconds! His inspiration? Star Trek.

Tanya Lewis, a LiveScience staff writer, reported on a prosthetic device that could restore memory. Developed by Theodore Berger at the University of Southern California, the prosthesis replaces parts of the hippocampus which is related to short and long term memory, and can be used to restore or enhance memory. There are some implications here that I’m not sure about. Do I really want someone messing with my memories? On the other hand, it might be nice to just remember what I went into the kitchen for!

The short of this is that Tamara's story, Pain Free Life has some fantastic science background!

I guess the biggest success this week is the publication of Wormhole Electric’s Best Science Fiction Short Stories and Novels. It went on Amazon this morning – both US and European. Re-reading the stories and making new editing changes reminds me of how lucky I am to work with such talented people.


Riddle Cave! You guessed correctly, mentor! Well, almost. I was going for “fan” but air conditioner works!
As for yours, I can see it in my mind - a hanging sign? I know there is another word for it, but for now, that is all I can come up with.

So, this week:

Lubricating, softening
Good Smelling
Ingredients from around the world
Necessary in dry climates
Tall teller of kissing
All images (except book cover) downloaded from Google Images:
Fig. 3 – Book cover by L. Varvel

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