Sunday, June 16, 2013

Moon Shine and Characters Amuck!

Okay, Don, I’ll admit that the gravitational pull of the moon may not be the cause of all the strange/weird/bizarre things we encounter during the full moon. So maybe the problems are due to the effects of the light it emits? I mean, it does cause some people to become werewolves…

I read several websites that  purport that the mind has a heightened cycle of activity due to the moon’s illumination. They define mind as feelings, emotions and desires. (This is what seems to be out of control during the full moon.) Several other sites report that “moon shine” creates a super charge of hyper activity. And believe it or not, many farmers plant according to the moon’s phases. I have several friends that plant their gardens according the moon phases. And yes, their gardens do really well. Just a thought.

I was glad to hear that Chris Hadfield isn’t going to become a politician. I think we have enough of those. I understand the dilemma of figuring out what to do next. As humans, we often identify ourselves as what we do. I know a lot of teachers who have had a hard time adjusting to life after the classroom. It is nothing as fantastic as being an astronaut, but it still is what we do, and when we’re done, what should we do next? Is there anything else that effects as many people when they are at the impressionable age?

Your blurb about Dr. T. Horikawa and his recording people’s dreams using MRI was interesting.  It reminded me of Tamara’s story, Pain Free Life which we ran last month. In another light, I have to admit I don’t remember my dreams. Occasionally I’ll remember thoughts and maybe pictures, but in what context escapes me. I’m also not sure I want to remember my dreams – those  pushy few that are able to poke through my veil of unconsciousness wake me up and then I’m awake for the rest of the night.

On the subject of the subconscious, one of the questions you proposed to authors was about the characters and the plots we’re writing about and how it inserts itself into our daily lives. O’Ryan described her characters “being like a familiar movie playing in the other room.” Tamara said her characters insert themselves into her life “at unlikely times – the shower, waking up.” Zack eves drops on conversations his characters are having. He said that having characters have an authentic response was comparable to doing a 3-month calculus problem.  (He should talk to Tamara, our Dr. of Mathematics!)  Out of neglect, my characters have begun to follow me around. My main character has even been brazen enough to change her hair color. She felt blonde went better with brown eyes - more dramatic. (Of course, the truth that my youngest granddaughter "filed" my notes for me last time she was here just isn't as dynamic as a character that talks back).  I’m most likely to hear and pay attention to them when I’m doing things like the dishes (O’Ryan, Tamara and Zack said the same thing) or watering the plants – doing those things where the outside voices of the world aren’t as loud.

I say this because I’m currently working on the next installment of Tracker due to be published in August. A couple of months ago I wrote about the problems I was having with voice. This time my problem is just not being able to type fast enough.  As a writer, I guess that's an okay problem to have.


On to the Riddle Cave!

Raises you to greater heights

Enables an extended reach

Plastic steel rope aluminum
Sequential to progress miss one and you’re through


All pictures downloaded from google images:

Fig. 1 – BiH PremijerLiga 2012013. Retrieved from

Fig. 2 – Get Inspired – Dream Quotes. Retrieved from

Fig. 3 – Dreams and Reality [wall paper] Retrieved from

Fig. 4 – How many lof you are a one finger typer? Retrieved from

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