Sunday, June 23, 2013

Lunar Lunacy and its effects on writing

It’s here, the magnificent moment when you think you can reach out and touch the moon. Sunday night the moon will be the closest to earth this year. And because of the magnification of the atmosphere, at moon rise, the moon will appear bigger than ever before! And in fact, that would be true – it is 14% bigger than usual and much brighter.

Welcome to the perigee moon, also called the Supermoon.

Even though the moon will “exert 42% more tidal force … compared to spring tides …that coincide with the apogee next January,” it is forecast that tides won’t be exceptionally high (…)

Amazingly, there will be webcasts of this great event. will be covering it with their Slooh Space Camera.  (The link button isn't working - click on this link or cut and paste it into your browser

I wonder if there will be an increase in “human activity” tonight. Of course, to the naked eye, the moon looked full Saturday night and will look full on Monday night so I wonder if this is going to be a super busy weekend for hyperactive humans. Guess I’ll read about it tomorrow.
I wonder, Don, could this have been the cause of your technical problems? Maybe Mercury is in retrograde along with the moon being at its best.

In the meantime, I’ve been finishing my Tracker story which is due for publication in August. I’m down to the last act, as Don would say. I’ve found this story to be particularly interesting to write. I have an outline, but I’m finding that it is squishy. I know the ending, but how I get there keeps changing.

I have also found that it has interfered with my activities. On Monday I ran into some situations that I couldn’t resolve. When this happens, I pull back, go walking or shopping. In this case, we took two days off  to go see the grandkids.

The questions in the story that needed to be answered presented themselves to me in the middle of the night. The answers waited until lunch the next day to present themselves – and it became imperative that I go home – even though I wrote notes, my husband could not drive fast enough. I don’t travel with my laptop, I like to take a couple of days to not be “plugged in” – I also consider it rude to work while I’m visiting. This time I should have taken it.

Talking to my husband about the insistent need to get back to the story, he asked who was in control - me or the characters? Good question. I get a bit distracted and disconnected with the world when I’m working on a story or some creative adventure. I remember that this used to happen when I was designing a new water color quilt. I think it has something to do with creativity denied. Maybe I can blame it on the moon...

Time to go – Act 3 is impatiently waiting.

Don, your riddle is good! I'm not sure, but my guess is mouth.

And for you I have:

Stirrer of Air
Loud racket or whisper soft
Needed only at certain times
Makes sleeping possible during insufferable times.
Images downloaded from Google images:
Super Moon to Rise Saturday Night/ksdk retrieved from
Super Full Moon Nasa Science retrieved from


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