Sunday, June 9, 2013

Lunar Effects and new books

Don, are you sure there is no connection between the full moon and strange behavior? I have classrooms full of young adults that just might prove that wrong. I've also heard that more babies are born around the full moon than any other time. I haven't had time to check that one out, though. And I question the validity of the "illusory correlation" and joint pain before the weather changes! My thumbs say otherwise!

One of our favorite astronauts is Alan Bean. We even have one of his prints. Amazing. We've looked for others, but they are a bit pricy. When we have an extra hour and don't want to be unandated with reality, we watch a series called From the Earth to the Moon, hosted by Tom Hanks. Our favorites are the episode about the building of "Spider", the Alan Bean episode, and then "Galileo Was Right" - how the astronauts were trained to be geologists. If you haven't guessed, I really miss the space / moon program.

Yesterday we went to the Estes Park Wool Market. Since our granddaughters show cashmere goats and sheep, they were up there wrangling their animals and getting them ready for show. I am totally in love with alpacas! And I was honored to be allowed to stroke an alpaca hi-bred. Their fleece, once spun and woven goes for $1000 a meter. The fleece is so fine it is like touching a cloud. I think it is the eyes of the alpacas that drew me in - so large, soft and intelligent. I wonder what they're thinking about all of us humans squiring around.

The sheep judging was interesting - the women who sat in front of us on the bleachers, sheep raisers, said that sheep were the drama queens of the animal world. After watching the judging, I would have to agree. I've never seen such drama, whining, balking! Even donkeys are better behaved!

The web designers got the latest Science Fiction Fantasy Transport 22 up on the web site Friday. Take a look! They did a real nice job! I keep asking them to add more to the page, and somehow or other, they keep finding ways to do it! This month we are showcasing Colby Elliott, one of our writers and his audio books. The web guys were able to link an audio sample of one of his books.

S.M.Baughns wrote a reality thriller that is not for the faint of heart or weak of stomach. It is a great blend of facts with reality. Wyf is written like a Dragnet story (don't know if you remember that TV show). Ariel's third episode is really bringing the story of Touching Lands Dance into focus. I think this book is by far her best. We also just started Lisa Manifold's story, The Search. A forensic accountant caught up in her aunt's search for home. See what I mean! Such different yet compelling stories!

Just took a step back and looked at what we've accomplished so far as a group of writers. We are at the 19th month mark of bringing great science fiction / fantasy to people.  Thank You's to the authors - we have published 5 books to date - showcased 2 more. Next month we will publish a science fiction only book. I am amazed!

Okay, Don. Bumblebee it is. And as to the May 26th riddle, you guessed it: dandelion.
My guess for yours is: finger nails.

As for a riddle from me - I'm going to pass this week. I am just coming up for air after grading the final essays for my Comp I classes. I still have 10 research papers to go - then I'm done for a couple of weeks. So, I'll get you next week, Don.

Have a great week everyone!

Figures 1 – 3 downloaded from google images:

Fig. 1 – Full Moon Jan 29, Wallpaper downloads retrieved from

Fig 2 – Alan Bean Gallery retrieved from http://www.alanbean

Fig 3 – Some concluding Evolutionary Mysteries retrieved from

Fig 4 – Touching Lands Dance created by Ariel Cinii

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