Sunday, January 6, 2013

Getting back to Normal

Still looking for the right 2 authors to join Wormhole Electric!

I'm late with this blog today - it has been one of "those" days where good intentions seem to fall by the wayside. It took longer to save and backup my files than I thought it would and just as I was starting to put my thoughts into sentences for the blog, the world opened up.

One of the delightful things that sometimes happens is the authors who are currently writing for Wormhole Electric decide they want to talk. And that is what happened this morning - two authors, in fact, contacted me and our discussions were well over an hour long; talking about their stories to date, what they planned to do in the future, questions about whether this or that would work better; the jumps the writers make and the "ohhhhh!" wonder sound and look when things come together in their minds are incredible to witness - this is why I do this month after month. I get to witness brilliance as it happens!

Don, your "bucket list" reference is amazing! One of our writers is turning 50 this year and she has decided to come up with a list of 49 things to do this year. She challenged me to come up with 40. I got 22 things on the list, then started doing them! Then I got paranoid about having to come up with new things to do as I crossed things off. I got over that! I've done some of my favorites already: swimming in a heated glass enclosed pool while it was snowing outside; take a class on looms; go to the History Museum. Some things I want to do include zip-lining, indoor sky diving and going to the wolf sanctuary. But one of the big things was to go see the Van Gogh exhibit at the art museum.

The exhibit is called "Becoming Van Gogh" and it was incredible! The exhibit organizers took the viewer through the beginning pictures and attempts of Van Gogh, put up side by side pictures of the masters he copied; provided pictures of the artists he was friends with and shared similar techniques with. It showed what might be the result of "10,000 hours of practice". My favorites are still the pen/ink and water color pictures he did in his "middle years." I like the windmills of Paris, almond blossoms, and of course, sunflowers. When we got home, we watched the Dr. Who/Amy Pond and Van Gogh episode. That really pointed out that if you could go back into the past, you can't change the future, no matter what you do.

One of the thoughts that came up was - if you do your 10,000 hours of practice, can you add a skill that is similar without having to go through another 10,000 hours of practice or does it integrate easier in a more timely manner? The reason I'm asking is because I'm coming up on close to 10000 hours of editing. If I were to add to that skill set, do I have to start over? I'm thinking about my own writing which needs more practice. But will the editor's eye help me write or will it slow me down?

I've had the opportunity this week to edit the next offerings for February's Wormhole Electric Transport Story series. The two writers I worked with are both masterful enough that for the most part, editing came down to commas,word choice and making sure of the stories' continuity, and whether or not the numbers matched. At one point I was deliberating between the words "enter and inside." In the latest Captain Jackson, the marines are entering an inn in Transylvania in the year 1524. Do marines "enter" an inn or do they go "inside"? Nit picky - but those silly words are what maintain the believability of the story.

I have to admit that you've stumped me with the riddles, Don! I'm sure the clues are there, but for some reason, my mind just isn't wrapping around any plausible answer! For the second one, I was thinking along the lines of plates - but I can't figure out how doors and plates are related. I had visions of a dishwasher for the first until I hit golfers and single drumstick... I think I'm crying "uncle" on these! And I know once you tell me, I'll hang my head in shame and cringe because of course, that was the answer and I missed it. And your guesses were correct. I'm going to have to rethink my approach - I'll have 2 new riddles for you next week.

I'm pushing time here - trying to get ready to go back to teaching tomorrow. I have cookies to bake for my college Composition I classes - it is a writing prompt. What better way to pique their curiosity, overcome their jiltedness toward English and give them enough sugar to last the 4 hour class. Wish me luck.


No pictures - can't seem to upload them to the draft. I'll publish now and add pictures later.

Still Wanted!
Writers who would like to join Wormhole Electric! Looking for completed syfy, fantasy, action/adventure manuscripts to be published as a seriel over a series of months or a single short story. All stories are considered for inclusion in the Anthology that is published about every 8-9 months. Join Us! Contact Carolyn Varvel at:

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