Sunday, January 20, 2013

Conspiracy and Riddles: Do they go togther?

Don, I was struck by your image of Santa on in–line skates which led me to wonder where Santa goes on vacation and what he does in his down time. And I agree, I’m totally glad the White House has decided not to destroy planets –

Your comments on the power of social networking came on the heels of the final edit of Jeph Keir’s Cantor which we’ll publish in February. It doesn’t have humans as ant-like creatures, but close – it is that genres of steam punk that is creepy and fascinating at the same time.

Your thoughts on being moved and manipulated as a society brought to mind popular movies and books from the last 50 years. 1984 comes to mind, as well as the movie Conspiracy Theory (1997).  Many sci-fi books have addressed the issue but the one I remember the best is Weather Wars. Don’t forget the first and second episode movies of Star Wars. The conspiracy to rule the world has also been the premise for most James Bond movies. This topic seems to draw on our basic fear but doesn’t allow us to see it happening until it blindsides us.

I had to laugh when I read about your motorcycling. I remember bikers and scooters when we were in Bosnia and Italy a couple of summers ago – driving between the cars in the traffic lanes. Glad to know your voice of self-preservation is on high alert! And roundabouts! I marveled at how effective they were in Europe, and I’m totally mystified as to why they don’t work here in the New World.

I’ve been working with the so write us folks. It looks like I get to help judge one of their short-form writing contest that starts in a week or so. It will be fun and interesting to look at other writers and how they start their stories. Maybe I can get some pointers as to how to get away from the self-imposed stop sign I’ve put up for my own writing.

The answer to my riddle was a rolling take-on the plane bag used for travel. I was really afraid I’d given it away with “bag for treasures” on rolling wheels. I think you were just being nice to me…  

Your riddle was great! I loved the “odious enemy that night”. My guess is Socks!

“Bad partnerships” threw me off until I looked down at my socks and realized I’d coupled a black with a brown. This doesn’t happen often as I use socks as my way of expressing anti-establishment. I have pairs that would give Pippi Longstocking a run for her money.

So here’s my riddle for this week:

I can style you up or dress you down

Be held with velcro or lace

Cause comfort and ease or numbing pinching

I can protect you or leave you vulnerable.


Have a great week!


Still searching for manuscripts! Have a syfy fantasy story laying around that you blush about when you think about getting it published? Take a chance that just maybe that syfy fantasy adventure is worth letting others read! Contact me at

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