Sunday, January 13, 2013

Do Riddles Emerge?

Want to be published? Want to be part of a global writers group? Contact Carolyn at Curious? Check out the Wormhole Electric website at

Don, I figured I’d groan when I heard the answers to your riddles – pencil. Of course! Head slap.

Is this you sailing? It might take you more that a week to get through the Great Lakes!
How did you know that the Arctic was on my bucket list? I understand that due to global warming, it is predicted that the “Northwest Passage” will open up within the next five years or so. To sail that would be thrilling, amazing, wondrous… I’m sure readers can come up with more descriptions. Of course, it also opens me up to “Are you crazy?!” What do you expect from someone who has Iceland high on her travel destination list?

I’ve been reading about the new science of “Emergence”: new things morphed out of what already is; often greater than the sum of its parts; exploring on the edge of chaos; results are often not predictable. The Internet is an example – it was originally designed as a database for scientists and look at it now!

As a writer, emergence is exploring the possibilities of plot and dialogue, what feels right here. It is the process of exploring just how our characters will react on the edge of chaos; what options do we as writers allow our characters so they can decide which way to go. Can our characters solve the mystery we've put them into?

As an editor, I find myself questioning how one thing leads to another; is the choice of path clear? or muddled? Jeph Keir’s latest, The Cantor, unfolds for the reader at the same pace it unfolds for the main character; it feels predictable until the end – the edge of chaos sends the story in a direction that is totally unexpected. In the Capt. Jackson series, one of the characters, Stitch, has finally snapped out of his personal dismalness and reverted to the kind of personality he used to have. But is that really possible? Can a character, or a person for that matter, really go back to the way they were? Choices lead us, characters too, to go this way or that way, one fork in the road leads to another, to another – this is the mark of growth. Is it possible to go back to what was? Can characters go back to the way they were without consequences? Can we? (Both of these stories will be available in February - Transport 19 Stories of syfy, fantasy, action and adventure.)

It is with great sadness that I announce that Scott Benenati and O’Ryan Jackson are leaving our writing group. Their daytime/pay time has offered them greater opportunities for growth. Their talent, wit, and contributions will be sorely missed.

Riddles! Okay Don, my guess for yours is the zipper. My riddle for you is:

Up on rollers
Barely skimming the ground
Bag for treasures
For going around


Want to be published? Want to be part of a global writers group? Contact Carolyn at Curious? Check out the Wormhole Electric website at

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