Sunday, August 10, 2014

And the Wired shall inherit the Earth after the Polar Vortex sweeps it clean

After some anxiety about missed flights, we were glad to hear that Zack and his wife, Honey, made it back to China okay. Hopefully your friend and his wife, have made it to Hungry okay. For all of the grumbling that I do about technology, I have to say that I am so very grateful for Skype. You are right, Don, it makes it feel like they are not too far away.

I so understand your comments about insects, squirrels, chipmunks, rabbits… I've been chasing squirrels out of my container garden for the last couple of days. And I've noticed that there's a rabbit that has taken up residence back behind one of our sheds. The squirrels, of course, are living close at hand so that they can snack whenever they want. And the ants! They are everywhere! The little tiny sugar ants are up close to the house, and then we have mounds of anthills in the yard. I read that coffee grounds will help move ants out – but every time I try to move them, they moved to someplace I don't want them to be. For now, I'm leaving them alone.

So I've been keeping track of climate changes, and a writer by the name of Becky Oskin put out a quick article on climate records for 2013. According to The Annual State of the Climate reports, the climate is changing more rapidly than anybody expected. Greenhouse gases are of course blamed. I did read that the mysterious holes in northern Russia had been caused by the release of methane gas from the permafrost.

 I also heard that a polar vortex is gearing up and should slide down sometime in early September. Hopefully you are not on the hit list, Don. Thankfully it is predicted that the temperatures will not be as extreme as they have been, but October could be a bit dicey. There are also predictions about early snows for the northern Rockies. According to the maps, this includes Colorado. We kept hoping that El NiƱo would bring the needed moisture into California, but apparently it's kind of dwindled out. There is also a possibility of big storms in December and early January. This is all prediction – and we know how accurate predicting the weather is.

Another article that I ran across that was fascinating dealt with King Richard the III; apparently his remains were discovered underneath the city council parking lot in Leicester, England, in 2012. There's been a huge controversy over where he should be reburied. It finally took  a judicial review to decide that he should be reburied at the Cathedral in Leicester, in 2015. So maybe when you go visit your friend in Hungry, Don, you can stop off in England and see the new digs of Richard the III.

I spent most of this week putting together a workshop on the wired generation. I'm also going to present a part of it to my Composition II research class next week. As I have gotten most of my notes together finally, and I've discovered where I have holes, I think I can start the actual book.

As far as the millennial generation is concerned, I'm coming to the conclusion that they are definitely a product of society. I find it amazing that all of the books that I have read have never fessed up to that. Every generation is built on the experiences and the modeling of the generations before them. The millennial generation is a product of our own anxiety, fears, and paranoia. All the writers are quick to point out historically what happened, and society's reactions, but none of them have ever gone that next step and admitted complicity to the problem. Not that that would really help. I think our biggest goal should be on how to help them become self -actualized, not social/cultural-actualized. Right now I'm just seeing a lot of "this is the problem".

We have a new writer for Wormhole coming to us from Nairobi. Laura Kuzig sent me her rough draft this week. It is a fantastic voyage of a single stone and the lives that it touches in its travels. Very stylistically done, has good individual character development, and Laura is able to build curiosity throughout all of the different parts and pieces of the story. I'm looking forward to publishing it in October.

I'm almost done with the cast. I get it off on Thursday, then I'm 3 months in a removable splint. My better half has decided that he's going to go with me to physical therapy so that he knows for sure what I can do and what I can't do. As I have a tendency to overdo things, I guess it's okay to not be trusted to push myself too far, too fast, too soon.

Oh, and before I forget, Google creative lab has forged a relationship with a private engineering group that has been incharge of re-tasking the ISEE - 3 spacecraft that NASA sent out in 1978 to study the sun. The private engineering group took over the spacecraft and has been moving it towards the moon. You can see all of this and get all of this information from a website called Give it a look see and let them know what you think.

Have a great week everybody!


all pictures retrieved from google images

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