Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Hobbit, Dr. Who, Bitcoins and Ebook Deals!

Good morning Everyone!

Bright beautiful day here in Colorado! Weatherman says it will be changing soon – so I’m enjoying the sun and the blue sky as much as I can. Your weather will probably change come next weekend, Don. Just a heads up.

I am so looking forward to the next installment of The Hobbit. And yeah, I agree, Don. Some financial wiz kid must have been able to prove that filming a very long movie all at once, dividing it into 3s and releasing it yearly was the way to go. Of course, I do have to admit that The Hobbit, The Harry Potter series and The Lord of the Rings were good as a series of movies. But the having to wait at times played heavy on me – and by the end of the Potter series, all I wanted was for it to be over. It was good, but 7 years was more than long enough.

The Dr. Who episode was excellent! But as always, it created more questions than it answered! As with so many Dr. Who’s, the answers don’t really matter, it’s Dr. Who. The writers don’t always provide answers and the scripts are just far out enough that by the time the next episode is done, the viewer really doesn’t care – they just experienced incredible acting, directing and script writing at its most imaginative best.

We also saw a 2-hour show on how Dr. Who got started. It starred the man who was the cranky castle keeper in Harry Potter – you know, the gangly cranky old man with the cat … can’t get my finger on his name… anyway, he re-created the first Dr. Who for this program. Amazing actor!

I’ve been enjoyed your answers, especially the “What 2 things would be on your short list to change if you were in charge” question. Black Friday! Yes! Apparently down here there were more than the usual fist-fights and people were actually escorted from stores for not shopping well with others! Do you believe this?! This is, as you put it LUNACY! And the moon wasn’t even full.

As a former smoker, I agree about changing the scene about tobacco products. And charging more would really help. But, I’m a believer that the more you point to something, the more people will want it. And I’m tired of smokers getting the short end of the stick. Smoking statistically does not put as many people in the hospital or cost as much over a lifetime as a life time of drugs does because of over eating – obesity is the current problem. Smoking is the smoke screen used to appease society so they can continue to over indulge.

Your thoughts about the political landscape of 2113, I think, are right on. I think that not only will the Euro have disappeared, but the dollar as well. I read an article about “bitcoins” – money for the digital world - money that exists only in cyberspace. I’m not sure exactly how it works, or why (I could just be old fashioned) and the all the bugs haven’t really been worked out yet, but it is possible that this will become the “coinage” of the future. It could also be that someone is getting very rich selling the rest of us a possible tomorrow that won’t be here today. Pessimist, I know.

Do I believe in true love?
With all my heart. And yes, the only word for it is “magical”.  

 Saw a quick documentary on Hudson Bay - it appears that I'll still weigh less if I go there.
To the cave!

Washroom? Really? That never crossed my radar!

And I can see where you got treadmill. Actually I was thinking of stationery bikes, but treadmill makes more sense.

As to yours this week – I haven’t had time to think about it. My 11 week quarter is up and I’m swimming atop a sea of research papers and final essays. Students are firm believers that their grades are far more important than a riddle. I wonder if that’s true, can it be proven?

Let your riddle go for another week – as I have absolutely no riddle for you this week!

For those reading enthusiasts who have e-readers – we’ve decided to celebrate our successful year at Wormhole Electric Publishing  by cutting the price of everything published by Wormhole Electric by 50%. This includes the latest Science Fiction Anthology, the Fantasy Collection, Captain Jackson and the Long Trail, and The Serpent Bearer. This also includes all the Transport magazines (ebooks for sale page). I guess this would be our contribution to Black Friday, eh, Don? But, as a publisher, I’m a firm believer in reading, and you can buy from the comfort of your own home – you don’t have to spend any gas money or fight anyone in line! And you can buy internationally! And if you prefer audio books, on the website we even have a link to Colby Elliott's works. What a deal!

Have a great week everyone!


All images downloaded from Google Images
Fig 1 – The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Trailer retrieved from
Fig 2 – Templar Publishing: March 2013 retrieved from
Fig 3 – Au Reves retrieved from
Fig 4 – Bitcoins: Fund this film: Alex Winter… retrieved from
Fig 5 – Blue Flower retrieved from google images


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