Sunday, December 22, 2013

Cheep ebooks, Smaug and Radagast! and The Wired Generation Continued

For those reading enthusiasts who have e-readers – we’ve decided to celebrate our successful year at Wormhole Electric Publishing by cutting the price of everything published by Wormhole Electric by 50%. This includes the latest Science Fiction Anthology, the Fantasy CollectionCaptain Jackson and the Long Trail, and The Serpent Bearer. This also includes all the Transport magazines (ebooks for sale page). I guess this would be our contribution to Black Friday, eh, Don? But, as a publisher, I’m a firm believer in reading, and you can buy from the comfort of your own home – you don’t have to spend any gas money or fight anyone in line! And you can buy internationally! And if you prefer audio books, on the website we even have a link to Colby Elliott's works. What a deal! 

Don, I was glad to hear that you survived the winter weather and were able to treat yourselves and your families to some holiday cheer. I’m not sure how the term “Golden Years” got started. Obviously it is a term that had to come about recently – I know that few people made it to “Golden Years” 100 years ago, and I’m not sure it would have the same meaning it has today.
Our weather has been cold, snow skiffs at night, but nothing that isn’t drivable. We went over the mountain last week to see the grandkids. There is a lot to be said about traveling in the middle of the week, the only traffic were trucks and a couple of cars here and there. We ran into ground blizzards across South Park, but the rest was good driving.

I took the grandkids ice skating. I haven’t been ice skating in years! On top of that, the kid renting skates handed us hockey skates instead of figure skates.  I’m sure you have great ability with hockey skates, Don, and I admit I admire hockey players, but hockey skates are a bit tricky to skate in! Not only are they broad across the toe, the blade itself rocks heel to toe. This is probably the feature that gives hockey players so much maneuvering ability, but it sure makes skating unsteady!

Okay, I have to come clean, we went and saw The Hobbit, The Desolation of Smaug. So often the second movie of a trilogy is weak, nothing more than the set up for the third climatic movie … with Peter Jackson’s trilogy, I guess you could say  movies one and two are set ups for the third movie… anyway, it is fantastic! Jackson did an outstanding job putting it all together.
I continue to marvel at how well Martin Freeman plays Bilbo! It is the way I imagined Bilbo to be. Richard Armitage as Thorin and Ian McKellen as Gandalf are also right on. But the character I’m really taken with is Radagast played by Sylvester McCoy. So expressive! So impulsive! The only spoiler I’ll give is the title of the movie is misleading. If you get a chance, go! See it! Enjoy it! And then wait with me for another year so this story line can be resolved! Argh!

I noticed in the Comics this morning, Peanuts classic fulfilled the war against Christmas in about 8 frames. Yeah, Christmas is a little over the top in commercialism. But I have come to the conclusion that I have the choice as to how much I participate in it. I also realize that if Christmas was to be banned, a good portion of the stores and companies I shop at throughout the year would be gone within 24 months. Christmas is a big economic boost, like it or not.I had a picture for this, but decided it was in poor taste. Just because the big guns on TV can do things in bad taste does not mean that I should. I have better roll models.

On that note, I think we’re finally ready for Christmas. I’ll finish off the Christmas cards this evening, most of the wrapping is done, we’ve enjoyed the tree lights for the last couple of weeks (my husband does know how to light a tree!) and I have enough food in the house to feed a small army. We’re not expecting bad weather, cold but no snow, so I think we’ll have a great Christmas season. I remember as a child how I wished for snow; as an adult, I wish for dry roads.

Along the line of the Wired Generation, I got word this weekend that the lady who usually cuts my hair was fired – chronic lateness. In talking with her, her only comment was that she always had a good reason for being late! How could the boss not see that? I didn’t tell her, but I side with the boss who has put up with this for well over a year! Yes! She is a great stylist! But you can’t run a business on great deeds if the employee never shows up to do them. This is a chronic problem I face in the classroom. And I’ve discovered that if I give in in the beginning of the quarter, students will take advantage of that and never get their work in on time the rest of the quarter.
Part of it is the inability on the students’ part to understand what their part in this education process is. The only example I can think at this moment is : telling someone they are  “out of control” and expecting them to suddenly act correctly.  When I’ve talked to kids about being in control, they have no idea what that looks like or what they need to do to be in control. My daughter (an elementary teacher/tutor/aide) pointed out that kids now days don’t realize that there are different ways to act in different situations. They think that they can act one way and always be accepted. 
I look at some of the TV personalities that children and younger people have as models - no wonder they have no idea how to act in public.
As I talk more and more about this with others, I’m getting a lot of feedback from teachers, parents, grandparents, school staff… this continues to be an amazing topic! Before I forget, I’d love to talk to your daughter about her article on gaming!
I’ve been thinking about your thoughts about riddles and I agree! We’ve produced over 120 riddles in the last 14 months! I have a slot open in the April Science Fiction Fantasy Transport ezine and I’m thinking I’ll gather the riddles and publish them. By then we should be well on our way to a whole new level of riddle. Or at least you will be, Don. I’ll be working hard to keep up with your languaging!
Have a great Christmas, everyone!
If you are traveling, travel safe.
Don, stay warm!


Book covers by Larry Varvel for Wormhole Electric Publications 
All images downloaded from Google Images
Fig 1 – Gus Birthday – Golden Years retrieved from  
Fig 2 – Ice Skate retrieved from
Fig 3 – Baure Supreme one.6 Ice Hockey skates retrieved from
Fig 4 – The Hobbit – Smaug-Movie-Dragons retrieved from
Fig 5 – Mordor’s Review of the Hobbit retrieved from

Fig 6 – Idiot of the Week: Those who insist retrieved from

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