Thursday, September 19, 2013

Water, words and Wands

Hi Carolyn,
Wow, the overwhelming weather, and its consequences seem to be the news where you are.  It's been on the news here as well. I have to admit that when I hear Colorado mentioned I don't automatically get  images of runaway water at all. Four and a half inches is a wackload of rain, not just for a  " Dry "  state, but for almost anywhere.

That's the kind of precip that almost says build a big honkin' boat and start herding the animals two-by-two. We had a very wet April a number of years ago that led to flooded basements galore around here and I don't think even then we had that much liquid sunshine in that brief amount of time.

A couple of months ago I mentioned an article about the O.E.D. and how it's contemplating its future direction as the premier lexicological authority in the English speaking world. I think I just ran into the very other end of that yardstick a few days ago, sort of the matter and anti-matter of dictionaries if you will.  It was in a Home Depot of all places, that I happened upon this texting dictionary of acronyms. I haven't had a chance to really go through it yet but once things start moving indoors again, I shall. I did happen upon something mildly curious a couple of pages in, though. Most folks who text are familiar with LOL but I wasn't aware of ALOL - "Actually Laughing out Loud". Does that mean if you use LOL your not laughing out loud at all ?? - I'm confused.

Most interesting to hear you referring to that " sense of entitlement " phenomenon, Carolyn. I get that very  feeling too. I just can't help but feel that an everybody is special and we are all winners attitude fostered by the education system is fundamentally responsible for that. I'd lay the rap for that more on parents who have been lulled and cajoled by a consumer-centric society into feeling that their kids are gifts from above and should be showered with all the latest of everything, lest they frown or feel inadequate amongst their peers. It's especially rampant at " Back To School " time! - end of rant !

As for the wand vs invisibility cloak conundrum, I admit that I thought quite a bit before I made this choice.  I get the feeling that it takes long slog at Hogwarts and beyond to get the hang of the wand thing.  Yes,  it can transfigure and create  things but not really huge stuff ( like making the rain go away from a whole state or moving planets about ) Having a wand and the wherewithal to use it ain’t like having the power of the Q , methinks - BTW, I miss that guy !

Gee, I guess this has turned into a bit of a cornucopia blog this time. So lets just continue the theme by hitting the riddle button.  Your guess for my last one is correct - both of them, in fact. I had been thinking of a keyboard as the actual answer. Each of those items includes that component and does things once done with pen and paper. I put my shopping lists on my iphone exclusively now. I can't remember the last time I made an old school shopping list on a piece of paper.
I seriously have no idea what your last riddle is. I'm fine with it until the final line. I hereby take my turn to cry uncle on this one. I offer the following for this week.
Five syllables gathered together to identify nothing specific. One word fits all.
Catch ya, later -  or should I say  CU ?
All images sourced fro Google Images
Fig. 1 -
Fig. 2 -
Fig. 3 -
Fig. 4 -
Fig. 5 -

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