Saturday, September 28, 2013

Best Season of All

Hi Carolyn,

First of all. I’m with you 100% about fall as the kick-derriere season. We’ve had a week of just francrastabulous weather ( my collective word to describe the fall weather here…. ) and I’ve been outside doing all of those outside things that I won't be able to do in only six or eight weeks. There have been sailing and motorcycling and gardening and building adventures aplenty.  The pic you see came about yesterday out on the water.  It’s all great but I find myself doing it with just a bit of the whistling past the graveyard feeling since I know its coming to an end for a good long time.  This year especially, Mother Nature has knocked us all down a peg or two.  Still - it’s that great to be out and about season, for sure.

How does it feel to be a centurion, she inquired whilst referring to the hundredth entry accomplishment. I am right now thinking back to that situation and realizing that once the blog got going it just seemed to flow along like it was always meant to be. After all it's a conversation and talking is easy, especially for us teacher types. Plus, I've learned a bunch and encountered some great authors that I might not have otherwise crossed paths with. All in all I'd have to say it's been a win-win scene so far.

Okay, right to the chase here. Your riddle this time I think is/are fireflies. Haven't seen very many at all around these parts recently. I have noticed there are lotsa bats about. I have a feeling the two may be connected in a strictly predatory fashion.

My last riddle was a whatchamacallit. This word may not be part of the common parlance in your neck of the woods but it is here. Its one of those amorphous words used to fill in when the specific word for something can't be found. We have a fair number of such words. There's doohickey, gizmo, thingamabob, or the more visceral dumashitty. There's also gadget, contraption geegaw and the more judgemental junk and crap. And let us not forget the most often used of them all - STUFF - Gotta luv this English language, eh.

Finally, here's mine for this 101st entry:

Singular device with a plural moniker
Pinching pressure permits precise plucking

Well, gotta go out and continue putting the estate to bed for the winter.



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