Sunday, September 22, 2013

Biblical Flooding and Fall

We did it, Don! This is our 100th entry! How does it feel to be a centurion?

Thanks for the thoughts concerning the rain, Don. It has been interesting to note how the description of the event has changed. First it was just a flood, moved to 50 year flood, the 100 year flood, then flood of epic proportions, was compared to a Biblical flood, and now it is described as a 1000 year flood. In Colorado, most people take seriously the flood plain because insurance will sock it to them. One survivor said that he didn’t use to live in a flood plain, now he does. Many of the smaller mountain towns are still stranded. The air lift to get people out was equal to Katrina. My 6 inches of rain greened my grass and watered my trees. We were lucky, we don’t have a basement. A friend ended up with 4 ½ feet of water in his basement…

I’ll have to look for the texting dictionary. Home Depot you said? Many of my first level students write their first papers in acronyms. Sure would be nice to know what they’re talking about! I’ll go look. And I’m glad it was at Home Depot – it is one of my favorite places to shop. Down to earth, sells things that are truly usable. Ace Hardware is another one of my favorite places.

I’m not sure what to blog about today. I finished my quarter Thursday and have been frantically house cleaning since. This quarter I didn’t keep up with the stacks of stuff as much as I generally do; my husband decided it was time to close up the house, clean out the vents, cover the attic fan so I’ve been trying to get the curtains washed, the floors waxed, the last of the summer laundry done. We’ve been watching the temperatures go down the last few days. We’ll spike up to the 80s for a couple of days, then dive into the 60s and level out in the 70s. Looks like next week we’ll be spiking up into the 70s, diving into the 50s and leveling out in the 60s.

I’m not going to complain. Fall is my favorite time of year. I love the crisp air, the cold nights (good sleeping weather) the warm (not hot) days. Watching trees gradually change their appearance to brilliant is an outstanding visual experience. I’m hoping that this next week we can take a day drive into the mountains to see the color. Maybe get in a bit of walk. We’ll see. I may be on break from teaching, but I have lots of meetings to attend, teleconferences to participate in, and course changes to make. The joy of teaching…

I also have the great joy of finishing up Transport 25 for publication in October. Got the cover pictures back yesterday. The designer was right on! And today I’m judging a writing contest for Tell a story in 3 sentences. The entries are amazing! These are people who really know the value and power of the word! I’m excited to know who is going to win the $20.00 prize! And the Fantasy Collection Wormhole is giving away. These stories will be available next weekend through Amazon.

If you haven’t guessed it by now, I think I can own up to not being as gifted with thoughts and ideas as I usually am. I’m not “burned out” just “refraining” from thinking too deeply about much of anything. Maybe I'm getting ready to change my appearance - more bulky, sweaters, jackets, shoes. Maybe my fall walk is a walk through my closet.

So maybe now is the time to move onto the riddle –

Mine was Sand. I’d watched a Making Stuff episode with David Pogue and sand and nanotubes were discussed. I get to teach Technical Writing next quarter and I get myself ready for the class by watching things like this – I especially enjoy Pogue’s “Can I Eat This?”

Wandering… riddles – okay.

It doesn’t matter how I turn your riddle – Uncle! I’m thinking this will be one of those that I’ll kick myself for not getting once you tell me.

This week I offer up:

By day resting in the garden

Gathering get-up and go

At night

Bright floating orbs of colored delight
Photo credits:
photo credits:
***Looking down
by ~remembermysoul  ©2010-2013 ~remembermysoul

***fort1.JPG  taken by L.Varvel, 2011


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