Friday, August 30, 2013

Ridin' and Rockin"

" Cruisin and playin' the radio
With no particular place to go. "
Chuck Berry

Hi Carolyn,

Having just returned from another stint of plying the highways of Southwestern Ontario, I guess I'm pre-disposed to be thinking about driving and music - since I don't leave home without it!. An item at about  travellin' with tunes caught my eye recently . In it, Keri Potipcoe, a regular columnist, reports on a recent published  study by Kanetix, an auto insurance company, on how music affects your driving.

Auto and motorcycle insurance has always been a  " don't get me started " topic for me, so I found this to be  somewhat intriguing. Age and gender already seem to play disproportionately into the assessing of rates, so why not musical tastes eh?
Anyhow, just a few items noted in the survey.  Talk radio listeners are most prone to speeding while over half of those who proclaim to be folk music fans have never had a speeding ticket.  I would have figured Alternative Rock or Heavy Metal listeners would have the most accumulated speeding tickets but that dubious honor goes to R&B listeners. Listeners who prefer " Oldies"  ( whatever that means ! ) appear to have been the least ticketed when it comes to speeding.
Them good ole' boys and girls who love country music have the greatest likelihood  to be charged with DUI while Hip Hop/Rap aficionados are most likely at fault in an accident (60%)
The whole survey can be found on I would be surprised if results were too different on your side of the border, Carolyn, since musical genres seem pretty well uniform across our two countries. I can find music I like in all of the genres mentioned above so I wonder where that puts me on the curve?
BTW that three sentence story item you mentioned in connection with sounds cool. I just stuck a post-it note on my monitor to remind me to give it a look-see.
So, let us give the riddle thing a wee whirl here too. Maple syrup was the answer to last time's number. I think mine also was too easy.
For this time around I am gonna guess that yours is an e-reader or ( since I'm a fanboy of the folks in Cupertino ) , an iPad mini. After almost four years of pretty constant use my old iPod Touch has given up the ghost and I'm very tempted to get something like that this time around.
Here's my entrant for this time:

Imposing member of the boom-boom  brigade
On stage or on parade
A smack or a kick
Brings rhythmic repercussions.
See ya later, I think I'll go and enjoy being in one place for awhile.
All images sourced from Google Images
Fig. 1 -
Fig. 2 -

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