Saturday, August 17, 2013

Engleese and Transport 24 preview

Don, I am envious that you got see the meteor action! We had clouds and rain (much needed but it obscured our view). The web link was “okay”, but not like the real thing – there is a sense of satisfaction at pointing as a meteor flares then dissaptes before you can say, “There’s one!” There is a definite smile of contentment that comes with actually seeing one.

I’m hoping the O.E.D. becomes the Rosetta Stone. We have enough rear view mirrors for our language. It would be nice to know that English is still alive and kicking. Technology (word spell) has dampened the imaginative combining of letters to create new words. Such a big help that creates such a loss.

I admire my International students. Not only do they immerse themselves in a new culture, they agree to learn the third hardest language in the world. English has very few rules that hold true 100% of the time which makes it “slip-slidy”. Many of these students ask me how many languages I speak. My answer: three – English, English and English. It makes them laugh but makes me feel like a slacker; most of them know at least two other languages.

Still mastering English, (and our writers trust me!), I have completed the rough draft edits for Transport 24 due out September 6th. It is going to be an incredible ezine! Ariel wraps up her book, Touching Lands Dance. You see the end coming, but you don’t really believe it until it unfolds in the last hair raising chapters. Lisa moves the reader and her character deeper into the maze as her characters prepare themselves for their search (The Search). We end with Colby’s adventures at this year’s ComicCon in San Diego. This highly humorous look at one man’s adventure at the highly regarded SciFi Expo helps define the commitment of so many to the genre. Nerdopolis is a fast entertaining read.

Personally, I have started the flexible outline for my next Tracker episode. My characters were well mannered while family was here, but now that the place is quiet, they’ve become a bit insistent that I continue their story. I was excited when Ariel wrote in answer to whether or not her characters followed her around: “All the time! I’ll watch some woman walk by with a great outfit and say, “You know, Arosdé would wear something like that,” or “We’ve got to write that into a scene.”

I also so empathized with her answer about stories keeping her awake when they aren’t working right:  We generally run a 48-hour clock, so somebody’s usually “awake” in one form or another, and we have rolling body-breaks for sleep and such. We’d taken to watching Mad Money at 3 A.M. as a break to just clear the table. This sort of division of activity gives all the sister-entities some room to create, and practice. Sometimes you just have to walk away for a while when a story line stops producing. But there are other things to work on, both creative and mundane. The Answer will appear in its own sweet time while your mundane brain’s busy recycling, or wrestling with the reception from Digital TV.”
I was thrilled with her answers! Now I don’t feel so “odd-ballish.”

Riddle-isky, Lit Man! On to the Riddle Cave!

My guess for your riddle is “wheel chair”.

The answer to mine was “tomato vine.” Our tomatoes are just coming on and I’m excited as this is the first year in several that we actually get fruits for our labor!

So here is mine - hopefully a stumper:
Makes things disappear
Can be white or beige
Was created by a frustrated secretary
Now worth millions

Speaking of fruits of labor - Don! This is our 90th blog entry! Thanks for being part of this conversation! Doing it alone is so BORING!


And yes, I remember Rocky and Bullwinkle – we didn’t have good TV reception (we lived in the mountains) so it wasn’t until I was almost 11 that I was aware of Saturday cartoons. I made up for the loss in my pre-teen years and as a mother.

I'm not having any luck with pictures and images this week - wonder if Mercury is in retrograde again.

Have a great week everyone!


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