Sunday, February 3, 2013

Writers wanted

Writers! Wormhole Electric is looking for completed manuscripts of various lengths. Topics: action, adventure, syfy, fantasy. Check us out on and contact Carolyn at I'm looking forward to reading your work!
 I’m running a bit late this week; just finished the judging for the writing contest. We hit a bit of a snafu – the judges were global – China, England, Northeastern Onterio, California and Colorado. While some of were judging, others were sleeping and vice versa. Isn’t technology wonderful?! Even 5 years ago this might not have been as easy. Slip on over to for the winners! There were a lot of good entries!  I’d like to see the story that comes with several of them!

Judging the writing contest made me very aware of how writers use words. I was amazed that 4 people (judges) could read the same story starts and each come up with a different blend of the top 5 stories. We all agreed on the top 5 – just not what order they should be placed in.  I’m hoping that I’ll be invited back to do more judging; I really enjoyed the banter with the other judges and deeply appreciated the story starts the many talented writers shared.

Zombies and vampires, Don. Have no idea why they are popular. Interestingly enough, many of the people who read that genre don’t have a clue to why they read it either. Good story? Interesting characters? Plot just beyond believable but not so much it hurts? Well written? As to tats, body piercings, gauges in the ears, and why grown men feel compelled to fight over a really small ball,  and how do owls rotate their heads like that? I have no idea! Enlightenment will have to come from another source. I’ve come to the conclusion that there are things in this world that I don’t understand and it is okay. There are enough other mysteries for me to solve in this world.

I had to laugh at your fellow instructor, Don, and his witty thought about educational administrators and policy makers. I think it is something most teachers of all levels feel has at least a little bit of truth to it. I wonder what he’d say about all those who come up with the latest and greatest “pedantic theory”?

I’m currently distracted by the woodpeckers combing our lawn. They are starting to beat on the flashing on the side of the house to attract mates – don’t they realize it is just barely February and we have at least 2 more months of snow and cold? And the magpies, starlings and crows are trying to drive an owl from the pine tree next door. What a racket! Don, I imagine you are experiencing wildlife that you don’t usually see this time of year. So how is Mexico? How are the ancient ruins and the warm weather?

You’re right, Don, paper was the answer to the last riddle – well, actually it was “scratch pad”. My guess for yours is the covered ramps that connect the airplane to the terminal – the ramps you walk down (or up depending on the direction you’re going) to get on or off the airplane. I know there is a specific name, but it is escaping me. I’ve thought about asking people several times this week, but I never remember while someone is around. It has been one of those weeks...

So my riddle this week:

Heralder of great comfort
Large pillow arms
A foot rest snaps out
Bring a blanket, stretch out
Nap time
Have a great week, everyone.

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