Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Bug, SkyFall and Sonrisa

I so understand “the long, deep and irreversible love affair with the original smart car”. The first car that I personally owned was a VW bug. And it was, for me, one of the most fantastic automobiles I’ve ever owned. I was crushed when we had to sell it; the body gave out, but the engine was still solid. The man who bought it dropped my engine into a newer body and I blessed him for that.

We were fortunate enough to be able to watch the movie SkyFall, the newest James Bond movie, this week. I enjoyed Daniel Craig as 007. He reminds me a lot of Sean Connery who was to me, the best James Bond. The Bond movies seem to set the standard for action films so I am thrilled that finally there is a return to purposeful violence, good script writing, masterful direction and acting. I’m also glad that sex was not the main key to the movie. Judy Dench,M, is one of my favorite actresses. She is cutting back on acting due to macular degeneration. Audiences will miss her.

This week we welcome a new writer to Wormhole Electric! Lisa’s science fiction fantasy is about forensic accountant. What an interesting thought that is – forensic accountant. I know that readers will enjoy her story is much as I have. We are in the process of editing her trilogy and will roll the first part out in June.

I received word this morning that Ariel Cinii’s book, The Organized Seer, is now available in hard copy through Amazon($9.95). The e-book is still available through Amazon ($3.99). She details her adventure of getting this book into hard copy in her LiveJournal blog. She also warned me that Mercury was in retrograde through St. Patty’s day. Mercury apparently influences technology and can be held accountable for many of the problems we had with technology last fall. Lets hope this period is quieter.

Thanks for the picture of the horse-drawn carriage and the driver with a cell phone. Technology is a wonderful thing, but it does have its drawbacks. Sorry to hear that some of those people traipsing through the ruins just could not put their technology down. I’m sure that they missed the sites. I have students who sleep with their technology devices under their pillows so they don’t miss a call – what a waste of good sleep. It makes “sonrisa” a bit more difficult in the mornings.

It was just confirmed that I get to judge again for! New contest is being announced this afternoon. Take a chance! Try it out! A few minutes of your time, maybe earn some unexpected income...

 Your riddle, once again, has baffled me. The only thing that comes to mind is “curfew”. After curfew outcome of the scary people; “be gone” be inside or get in trouble; “time to call it quits” – time to stop the party and go home. Am I at least close this time?

So here is my riddle for the week:

Long and slender

Light weight until the weather changes

A path creator

Have a great week everyone!
Don - I read ahead. Travel safe. We'll save you some snow, send it your way just in case you got homesick for the sound of snow blowers and cold north winds.


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