Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Hobbit, Serials and Riddles

Peanuts! The answer is peanuts! Oh please, let me be right.

I would never have guessed gravy – Here in the States we have a business called Subway Sandwiches which slathers sandwiches with oil. I remember having biscuits and gravy as a child, but that is so far from my current culinary diet that I had forgotten. It is interesting the differences between our cultures even though we share the same continent. I'm really curious about Boxing Day. I know that it is where people swap positions and responsibilities for a day. How does that work if you're not Lord of the Manor?

For my riddles, gold is correct for the first answer; for the second one, you were amazingly close, and I can see how travelers checks might fit … But what I had in mind was maps.

I saw the movie The Hobbit yesterday and in spite of what the critics said about a slow start, I was enthralled throughout the movie. Martin Freeman as Bilbo was a spot on choice. Gollem was incredible in the lake scene before he realizes he’s lost the ring; we see the different personalities of Gollem – beautifully done. I know there is a lot CGA , but its integration into the live action is seamless. My only regret is that it’s a serial! At least I don’t have to wait as long as I did for Harry Potter to be completed.

Serials! Some of our Wormhole writers specialize in them. O’Ryan Jackson’s Serpent Bearer series comes to mind. Each of the six stories stands alone, but when combined with the other five, they become an incredible book. It is whole and complete. And with an ending so different from the usual two or three endings most authors choose! And the ending makes sense – once you get there, you say, “Of course! How obvious! It has to be this way.”

Back a couple of posts ago, Don, you started sketching out a book idea about Earth after she is wrecked then abandoned. I saw some previews for two new movies due out next summer: After Earth with Will Smith; Oblivion with Tom Cruise. Both appear to have a similar concept to the idea you are working on. So, not to put the pressure on or anything, but getting your story out by next summer might be a great marketing move. You could write it as a serial, just a suggestion, no pressure here.

Christmas will be quiet for us this year - just dinner with adults. I’ve been working on an idea on how to make us a little more childlike. I found a kit called “Windup Workshop Robots” where you create your own robot with wiggly eyes, cutouts, and stickers all attached to a windup mechanism. I think maybe  robot races. are in order. Isn’t it interesting that even at Christmas time I’m thinking science fiction in some form or another. I’ve added action and adventure by having robot races. If nothing else, it should give us a giggle.

I hope that this finds all of you warm and safe, enjoying good companionship and food. Knowing that we have at least another year to live, I hope your upcoming year is satisfying.

Riddle for the week:
Just the right thing to hold first thing in the morning
Just the ticket for a goodnight slow down
Empty on the inside
Currently blue could be pink
Mine is round, his is square
Slim and tall, squat and plump
Wrap your hands around
And smell the liquid gold



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