Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Party On, Venusian Dudes!

Well happy Boxing Day, y'all, or as some say up here in the near north  "yuz all ". Let's start with dessert  shall we.  Yes, Carolyn, there is a Santa ...oops,. Yes Carolyn, you cracked this one squarely .  The answer is peanuts. Your riddle this time I think is cups (or mugs ). We even have a square one around here.  Just to keep things rollin' and riddlin' here's a couple more:

   Keeper of  symbols
Ammunition for those seeking erudition
The bigger the better
Cop before criminal
Sinner after saint
Dispute settler


 Associate with Monkeys
Accommodate Nuts
Mr. Goodwrench accomplice
Punishing guts
Messing up proceedings in simian mode
Work with jerks in tight situations
In an on and off relationship
Hang around in petroleum stations

Anyhow, before moving to the next course, I am sorta intrigued by this switching roles on Boxing Day thing you mentioned. I have never heard of that. Is it a kind of Sadie Hawkins thing or ??

Tis the season to be jolly  and  all that happy type stuff which includes reminiscing and contemplating as well. As there are no longer any young wide-eyed earthling offspring about to pounce on our bed at  Christmas sun up looking for gifties, and monopolize our attention from thence until bedtime, I can more easily scrounge up time to keep in touch right here on Boxing Day in the middle of the merriment. 

  In one of those ruminative moments granted by  this gracious state of advanced parenthood I  found myself pondering what this season could look like from elsewhere in the galaxy or universe.  There will come a time when we of earth will be going elsewhere ( see Dec. 12 entry ) and I imagine we'll take our traditions along for the trip.  I wondered how “ The Holidays “ would play out from a different planetary venue. Being a warmth junkie these days  only a planet closer to Ol' Sol  (or any ol "sol ) will do.

  With that  as my  rationale, Venus, sitting second to the sun, got my first nod.  There wouldn’t be a lot of clothes to pack. And no socks !! What if we were doing the holiday thing on Venus?  C’mon, the name alone is enough to get ones attention flowing. Venus the  goddess of love and beauty and leg shavers, the name of Steve Jobs humongous personal yacht,  and lotsa stuff like that -  everything I’ve read about it includes the word HOT. How could that be a bad thing?     

Guess I make a fifth-rate  Canadian since I’m not now, nor have I ever been a fan of quietly and politely freezing for at least half of the year.

Sure, Venus is a torrid, forbidding place and maybe even a lesson for us since its crispyfied state is apparently the result of a “ runaway greenhouse effect” ( haven’t I seen that term somewhere before? ) but in  the  future technological advances should be able to overcome that impediment.  Anyhow, from a holiday and partification standpoint here’s something that could counterbalance the wackload you're gonna spend on sunscreen while there.

A year on Venus amounts only 225 earth days so  Christmas is 140 of our  days sooner every year. So is New Years and everyone's birthday , Sounds cool for sure.   Seven months  after the last  once a year blowout another one is poised to pounce. That’s  almost two Black Fridays, two Thanksgivings and two last shopping days before Christmas scenarios every year!  

There is a trade-off though -  each “ day” on  Venus takes approximately 243 of our earth days to play out. A day is actually longer than a year ( no, this isn’t a Wormhole Electric riddle ! )  Can you even begin to get your cranium around a Christmas dinner and  evening gathering  with the extended family and in-laws  that unfolds over  two months? 

 Can you imagine a Monday every week that took 243 days to pass - of course there's an equally long Friday each week to balance things out and the weekend is actually 486 days long -  Ya  man, We be jamming’!

It would call for miraculous budgeting.  Getting paid every two weeks means about nine and a half years between checks.   It would also mean about 19 years between monthly bills.  What fiscal cliff ??   Back off China!  There be lotsa time to pony up the bucks.

It’s quite the paradox, but at least there’d be a nice warm place to try and work it out in. And, apologies to Dr. Suess , oh the parties you'll see!!

So, as we all move on thru this have-a-good-time season I leave you with this. I wish I'd said it but it's from one Mr. Vonnegut. I do agree with the sentiment..big time!


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