Sunday, December 16, 2012

Concerts, Music and riddles

Before I get too far into this blog, I’d like to revisit music. I watched the 121212 concert on Wednesday night. These were my favorite musicians and groups for many years. However, this time I found the music to be frenetic; it didn’t sit as well with me as it has in the past. But the musical talent is still strong! I marveled at the guitar riffs, the drumming cadences… Magnificent! I was a bit disappointed in the new and upcoming possible replacements – the newbies on the circuit seem to be lacking talent. They can sing (okay, some of them can) and they strutt nicely which thrills the audience, but musical talent? Playing the same six cords over and over in the same key and rhyming that seemed to miss the beat just somehow does not translate to talent in my mind. It was great to see my old favorites can still draw crowd. I’m not sure I want to call them “old” though, it dates me.

As for the riddles, I finally was able to put this last quarter to bed. All students are signed, sealed, and delivered to their next level of education. Some, through lack of priority or maybe different priorities, will be repeating.

These are your riddles, Don, and my guesses:

Smooth at times, coarse at others
Runs a away or sticks around
Moves in trains and boats and comes alive with skillet and pots
Sometimes consorts openly with sandwiches
My guess: oil or grease

The next 3 are all one riddle - so I've been told:  
Not quite a lie
Not quite the truth
Subtle or simple
refines or uncouth
Asking for money
Playing on fears
Promising happiness
Coaxing out tears
Where there is nothin
Creating a need
Fostering greed

This so exemplifies government - so my guess is a presidential or political campaign 
Don, as far as writing is concerned, sounds like you have an interesting premise for your maiden write into the author world. I’m looking forward to being one of the editors as this unfolds.

My own tale has taken a backseat to students and editing the scribblings of others. I just finished the final edit on the latest Captain Jackson series. I’m impressed with how Zach has managed to weave into the story the historical significance of the places he’s traveled to so far. I’m curious about whether or not the Bosnian Pyramids will show up in the next installment. Colby crossed my screen with a new Stay-At-Home Dad adventure. I can’t wait to read the tweaked story due to be published in January. I heard from another of our writers; he has two ideas cooking. One idea keeps trying to lead him into “book writing”. He’s resistant… I wonder who’ll win.

I find that denied creativity usually leads to long frustrating hours for me; if I’d just give in to the impulse, I’d be much happier. Creativity sometimes just does not understand priorities; life does not always want to compromise, so the standoff continues. I’ve discovered that riddles are a great way to keep my creativity simmering on the front burner.

I’ve set my story aside for the moment, another “idea” popped up I want to flesh it out over the next few weeks to see if it is viable. Even if it isn’t, it will at least allow me the luxury of research and synthesis – both of which will make my writing better in the end. Not so sure my characters are in agreement - we'll see how long the stand off lasts and who wins in the end...


Okay, here are two riddles back at you:

Dull in the ground
When found
Bright in the light
Chuncky flaky heavy
Owning a lot is 
Cash in hand
World at a glance
Blluse white brown
Pressed into paper
Rolled folded
A treasured need for travel  
Well, time to complete Christmas shopping and wrapping presents.


Yesterday I tried to work on the non-fiction piece I've been considering; characters won. I've denied them for too long. Ah well, it felt good to get back to my writing.










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