Sunday, September 27, 2015

It's Crashing! Let me Save you!

So I'm fussing with the computer, it's slow and not doing what it should be doing as fast as I think it should and the phone rings. It is one of those Asian international calls routed through Atlanta...

"Miss? I'm with *$*$, and we have been notified by Microsoft that your computer is about to crash..."

This is serious! My computer just can't crash at this moment!

"Miss, I can help you, it won't cost you anything..."

The blue screen flashes on then settles into the desk top picture I so dearly love. Program sputters, rejects a simple edit ...

"Miss! Please! I can help! Microsoft sent me a warning about your computer. It won't cost you anything!"
The program crashes yet again. Desperate, I'm desperate... "It won't cost anything? Who pays for it?"


I think about it. "What do you want me to do?"

In a couple of quick exchanges, I hand over control of my computer to a complete stranger. And amazingly, he finds some things that do make the computer work faster and the program quits crashing. I'm feeling better, now able to breathe.

And the stranger goes in for the kill. "Miss, I find that you have an outdated version of ****, unless you pay me to update it, I will make sure you can't turn your computer on and I'll report you to the company."

What?! "I have no idea what you are talking about! I don't even use that program! I didn't install it!"

"It was installed when the computer was at the factory. Whether you use it or not makes no difference. It is out of date."

"But I don't want it! I don't use it! Delete it!"

"It is out of date, Miss. Unless you pay me to upgrade it, I will crash your computer."

Hostage, I'm being held hostage by a stranger who barely speaks English who holds my livelihood in his mouse and is a click away from destroying weeks of work! Weakly I ask, "How much?"

"Just $69.00, Miss, unless you want me to fix all of your computer so it works better and faster then it will cost more."

I have turned control of my life over to a junkie who gets his kicks out of controlling other people through their technology. I wonder if all Americans are like this – we'd trade our children to make sure our technology is working right. Okay, trading our children is a bit extreme, but the point is, when it comes to technology and our dependence on it, I think Americans would do almost anything to make sure it is running correctly, and will stay running that way.

Long story short, Asian stranger screwed up, computer down for 24 hours. I was able to finally connect with a technician who told me what to do instead of doing it himself. At all times I maintained control of my computer – well, most of the time. I got so lost and frustrated that I suggested he take control for a couple of minutes and straighten out the current problem.  Then I regained control. Was I set up? Again?  Who knows, but  the computer is now working better, faster, has more energy than it has had in several months, but it was a long scary 24 hours. It was an angry 24 hours – I was taken advantage of, I let myself be taken advantage of.

Lesson? We've signed up with a company who will take care of all of our computers and their hesitations over the next year. We've deleted, we hope, all those silly programs that we don't use... and when we get a call from a stranger who says they've been sent by Microsoft to save our computer, we can say we are already covered, the problem is already taken care of, take us off your list, if you call this number again, we will report you to the FCC.

Will that work? Who knows – but at least it is worth a try. I have had these computer strangers sent from Microsoft call me back several times to convince me they are legitimate.  I emailed Microsoft once if they were really doing this to me, but I never got a reply back. I just wanted an official note, something I could hold onto.

Transistor Radios – I wanted one so bad! I wanted to be able to listen to music out in the yard. My babysitting money went toward my college account so I was not able to "cash" anything in. But my friends had theirs and they shared! The World Series was a serious matter for us – we'd listen during lunch at school – it was the only time radios were allowed in the lunch room at school or in study hall. Now I have one – for weather.

I am very much an introvert, much to the amazement of my students and other faculty. My grandson and my better half are also – but people would never know it. All three of us are able to "work a room" and make people feel very comfortable. At the end of the day, we need the silence, the quiet, an hour to keep our own company, create our own world and live there for a bit... we like people! But after a day of them, it is nice to be alone. It is nice to know that we are alone or doomed to obscurity. 

I've discovered that as I "mature", I find that I don't tolerate some types of people as well as I use to; I don't participate in some activities because I find them mundane and/or just stupid. (Not politically correct, I know. But really! Any conversation about the latest "reality show" should not last more than 30 seconds.) Maybe that's why I've taken to hiking. I don't have to listen to the latest whine and excuse and no one can get hold me! The lengths I'll go to be have a quiet couple of hours!

So I have finally finished the content edit for a book headed to Hay House for publishing. It has been an honor to do this project! As soon as it becomes a reality and available, I'll let you all know. The art work in the book is incredible! And the story is what I call a "soft story"; an easy read with lessons and messages so well hidden that you don't know you've been taught something until you sit back and look at the pictures.

I also said that I'd clear out the Wormhole Booksfor Sale page by the first of September. It is now almost the first of October and I find that some Transports are selling very well! So, I'm keeping them up and available for $.99 for the Transports until I find time to close things out.  

I heard from Tammy N. She has a new story to share! So we are creating another series of her stories. They should be available by November! Tammy's stories have those amazing twisted endings. The two of the three that will be available in November are my all-time favorites of hers.

Well, Don. I believe Mr. Twain was right – you never know about people until you travel with them. Travel safe.


All images downloaded from Google Images
Fig 1 – Computer crash retrieved from The Republic Of PR MC22S5B: BACKUP YOUR ENTIRE COMPUTER

Fig 3 -- A Few Transistor Radios retrieved from

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