Tuesday, July 14, 2015

What we've got here is a failure to communicate.

Hi Carolyn,

Don't know if you are familiar with the movie Cool Hand Luke or not so this cultural reference may miss the mark. My lsbh and I - especially my lsbh , as she wants to keep up with the happenings at the Pan-Am Games - felt a bit like Paul Newman's character in that movie over the last few days.  We were once again thrown back into  cyber solitary confinement, or as it was referred to in that flick " the box". ( BTW - I had forgotten, until I went back to Imdb to refresh my memory, that George Kennedy got an Oscar for his supporting role as "Dragline" in that flick. )

 But I'm starting to digress, here....

Permit me to elucidate. It all began with the landscapers next door who were redesigning the yard after the neighbours put up that big honkin', fence I was on about a short while back. They had little Bobcat in here levelling the ground, etc. They managed to somehow sever the underground cable for the second time in a few weeks. Hence, we were without phones, tv cable and internet once again. The last time this took place we were visiting family "down country"  so it didn't really impact us much.

This time around, however, we were here for the whole time. It was actually six days that we were disconnected and it sure drove home the realization that our connectivity need is deeper than one might think.

This being severed from the connectivity teat ( apologies to Harlan Ellison for hijacking his metaphor ) did lead to some fairly interesting imagination trips. First of all, the whole Bobcat thing sent me back to that wonderfully cheesy B-movie Carnosaur and the final face-off between our hero and the villain T-Rex.

 Spoiler alert - the dude in the Bobcat won.

Secondly, it gave us some time to check out some DVD stuff that we had not gotten around to viewing. They included one recommended by our daughter which turned out to be a bit of serendipity, for sure. 

  She gave us season one of Sherlock  as a stocking stuffer last year.

I was, without a doubt, blown away by this one.  For now, just five s-words:

slick, smooth, subtle, sophisticated, and scintillating..

If I had access to the next season or two, I might have engaged in some binge-watching on this one....

Methinks , perhaps,  a future entry to compare this and the Robert Downey Sherlock Holmes flicks. I am constantly amazed at the sheer longevity of Arthur Conan Doyle's literary creation. We humans are suckers for a whodunit and always will be, it seems.

Anyhow, I had a bunch of other stuff I wanted to flog about here but I'll save it 'til next go round. I am intrigued by your mention last time, Carolyn, of having Wormhole Electric Publishing " evolve ".

Also, I have a Twain that I forgot to include last time when I was talking about laughter as one of our two best weapons:

Against the assault of laughter
nothing can stand.

Catch ya later,


All images sourced from Google Images

Fig. 1 - thepioneerwoman.com

Fig. 2 - testingthewaterhouse.com

Fig. 3 - bobcathire.com.au

Fig. 4 - imdb.com

Fig. 5 - patjacksonpodium.BlogSpot.com

Fig. 6 - btchflicks.com

Fig. 7 - blog.lego.cuusoo.com

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