Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Sherlock, Sherlock Holmes, Elementary, Pluto

Good morning, Don!

Hope this finds you steeped back into technology.  I'm assuming that the bright people who keep cutting your lines are also the ones who are footing the bill to repair the lines. I'm not sure what to say about someone who makes the same mistake twice ... you'd think they'd learn, but I know from experience some are just unaware of what is around them and that they can't do what they want to do the way they want to do it. Hopefully the clearing and leveling is now done so you don't have to risk a 3rd bout with tehno disconnect.

I find your comments about Sherlock fascinating and right on! We just finished, again, the whole series through Year 3. I realize that the both Cumberbatch (Sherlock) and Freeman (Watson) are very busy actors who probably do Sherlock for the sheer fun of it, but I do wish they'd do more! Even though the series takes a rather dark turn in the 3rd year (spoiler alert?), it remains one of the few series we often wonder "what if" about.

Of course, I'd expect only great things from developer Steven Moffat of Dr. Who fame. And Mark Gatiss, another developer who also has a finger in the Dr. Who pie, as brother Mycroft is excellent. I have seen Andrew Scott play minor parts here and there, but his Moriarty is just freaking scary!

I'd be interested in your comparison – I should look into the Mary's of Sherlock – Doyle's, Moffat's, and Downey's. There is a distinct difference between them – especially Moffat's. Another interesting compare/contrast would be the Dr. Watsons – I'd add Dr. Watson (Lucy Liu) from the TV series, Elementary. If you get a chance, check into that also.

I think this just goes to show that well written characters and a good open plot can be transferred into any culture, any time.

Have you been looking at the pictures of Pluto as they come back from the New Horizon space craft? I am just blown away by the possibility that Pluto has volcanic activity and there is a plume of atmosphere that is being stripped away by solar winds. But my thought is, shouldn't that atmosphere by gone by now? Or is Pluto continually renewing its atmosphere? How does it does it do that? Just a thought.

This brings me to the great news that NexGen has completed a study that it is financially possible for NASA to land and create a permanent settlement on the moon within the next 10 years. Okay, so I might not be able to go to the moon, but maybe I'll live to see lights on the moon. So excited!

Just a reminder – the Wormhole Transports are on sale through Amazon for $.099 each – 2 – 3 great short stories in each one! An excellent way to spend an afternoon "resting".

Have a great week!


Images downloaded from Google Images
Fig 1 – retrieved from Sherlock: Series One « Hartswood Films
Fig 4 -- retrieved from New Horizons

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