Saturday, March 14, 2015

Day Light Saving, SEO, Second Best Marigold Hotel and Filk

We have survived a week on Day Light Saving Time. I'm now fixing dinner by the light of the sun, instead of by the light of electricity. Every day, the sun is up longer in the evenings – but I'm still driving to work in the dark. I read a fast little article that I clicked out of before I got the documentation information that said that in January, as the days lengthen, it is actually the afternoons that have more light.  We do not experience more light in the mornings until mid-January. If this is the case, why do we need Day Light Savings Time? Just a thought.

So I've been learning about online marketing. I'm taking a great little course through Ed2Go. And I was doing great up until we did SEO. Search Engine Optimization. Now, I "understand" the concept and how it works... I even got 100% on the quiz. But I have to say, I still am having a bit of a problem wrapping my head around it. Not sure why.

I remain befuddled! I think I need someone to gently take me by the hand and show me, patiently please, how to connect our blog to other blogs or other interesting articles that I'd like to share. Patiently, please. And how to put the little codes (how to find them first) on the website so I can track all the information that is apparently out there for me to track! I've got the theory! It's the "how-to" that is missing from my skill set!

This week I'm looking into online advertising in the form of clicks for pay and banners. As I always avoid that type of advertising, I'm not sure how applicable it is to our site and our readers. I also think of it as clutter! Why clutter up the screen with distractions! Do we really need that many more distractions? Is this resistance? Or is this the reason that smaller screens have become so popular? You can scrunch out the stuff that isn't important...

My SBH and I went to see The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel last week. Yes, it was as "wrinkles convention",  but age did not diminish talent. It was a masterfully done plot line that held up through-out the movie; the acting was, at the very least, magnificent; the cinematography was also well done. The sights and sounds of India were present throughout the movie as background that never interfered with the story or the characters but instead, enhanced the plot and characterizations. It was, for me, one of the better movies I've seen lately.

I also had the opportunity to talk to Ariel Cinii about her latest book, A Dance in White Time, which was really her first book of the Airland Series. She mentioned that she'd love to hear from readers! Or follow her on Twitter. Started as a way to keep awake at work, this world and its occupants have grown into four books and performances at the conventions she attends throughout the year.

Ariel describes the conventions as "a small nomadic town that only meets a few times a year..." Reminds me of Brigadoon. Last year she performed at Contata 7 in Morristown, NJ. She also attends Lunacon, Baltican Philcon, and the Floating Northeast Filk Convention.

Three more weeks of physical therapy! I think physical therapists are angels in disguise. They want you to get better, but they have to put you through pain to get there. I thought that this left thumb would follow along the same healing path of the right thumb (which was done in June). Wrong! The left hand/thumb has set its own standard and path. The only thing common between the two surgeries has been that the thumbs were involved and both were in a cast for 6 weeks.  I'm glad I only have two thumbs.

Have a great week!
Don, hope your travels home were safe!

I couldn't quite come up with a limerick so I thought a poem would due: 
I can not yet drum
My thumbs
But pinching up crumbs

Will soon become awesome!

Images downloaded from Google Images
Fig 2 – SEO retrieved from
Fig 3 --  Widget retrieved from Widget - YUI
Fig 4 --  Clicks for pay retrieved from
Fig 5 – Banner Advertising retrieved from
Fig 6 --  The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel retrieved from 

Fig 7 – A Dance in White Time by Ariel Cinii
Fig 8 – NE Filk retrieved from nefilk.jpg


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