Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Yucatecan Times

Hi Carolyn,

Indeed we have relocated from the Bruce Peninsula to  the Yucatan Peninsula. Consider this our safe arrival blog. The trip was uneventful but seemed awfully long. Five hours of plane travel  plus five more on a bus, even a big comfy one, seemed like more than what ten would feel like on either. Part of it just might be that our fourth time taking this same journey means that as far as the sights and sounds go it's like B.B. King sings - "The Thrill is Gone "

Although, as the local weather prognosticators informed us just before we were leaving Owen Sound  - between the first day of 2015 and the day we were making our craven and cowardly escape, over five feet of new snow fell. Truly and deeply illustrates the concept of motivation, it does.

Speaking of gone things, I'm sad to say that each year when we return I see fewer and fewer original VW beetles rattling about. They're not as scarce as Ferraris but there clearly aren't the swarms of bugs that I saw the first year we were hereabouts. 

I first encountered Neil deGrasse Tyson courtesy of Jon Stewart on The Daily Show. More than once, like you, I've  been impressed and enthralled by how he can communicate the essence of large picture items and complex concepts so effectively to those of us amongst the Great Unwashed who care to listen. I, for one, could claim " ... did I learn more today?" as an unofficial mantra. 

I  get uneasy though, when children are encouraged too often to engage in unstructured and spontaneous exploring. It's mainly because this unfettered spontaneity is often encouraged too vociferously by parents who are either using their offspring to vicariously compensate for what they felt was wholesale repression in their own childhoods or who feel that all children have some sort of magical internal compass that leads them unerringly to do the right thing every time without any guiding external discipline . There's a pretty tricky balancing act involved. It's one with lifelong socialization consequences too.

Dr.Spock has now left the building.

Carolyn, I have to admit I found the musings about a name change for Wormhole Electric Publishing quite thought-provoking. If it's a question of getting the reader with the first two words, why not simply switch the first two words around?  On more than one plane I would be intrigued by Electric Wormhole to be sure - and I can't see it being mistaken for an association of electricians, either.

Oh crap, that name isn't taken already.... is it ???
So, I have a can't choose conundrum with the  Mark Twain moment again this time and I choose to please all of this person all of this time and stick 'em both in here.
" The public is the only critic whose opinion is worth anything at all."
" It usually takes me more than three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech."
Now,  to finish sleeping off those travel fuzzies. Catch ya later.
All images sourced from Google Images
Fig. 5 - madisoncollege.edu

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