Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Red Moon Setting, First Date, First Old and Dr. Who Epilogue (that's all it is worth)

Good Morning , Don.

Hot Flash: Mike Krumboltz's report made my first first this week - there were no Saturday Morning cartoons on any of the major networks as of Oct .4. Unless you have access to one of the specialty channels, you won't ever know of the joy of cold cereal and Scooby Doo on a cold winter Saturday ... some firsts we can do without.
You're right – morose, especially this time of year, is so out of place! Glad to hear that your trees are changing and the colors are vibrant! Here in the city, the trees are still green. The bushes are beginning to change, and most of the maple trees have changed – the rest of the trees are still soaking in the chlorophyll. I think I'll talk to them this afternoon- no leaves when the ice and snow come.

And watch for the eclipse of the moon Wednesday morning! This isn't a first - but it rates as fantastic and worth mentioning. I read that some parts of North America will be able to participate in something that should be impossible - seeing the sun rise and the moon set at the same time... Earth's atmosphere will allow this incredibly rare occurrence to happen. Unfortunately for me, I'm too far west. But I'll be able to see the moon turn red! There are 4 moon eclipses between 2014 and 2015 - this is rare to begin with!

This has been a week of firsts. My granddaughter had her first "date" last weekend- Homecoming Dance. When asked how it went, she said that two left footed people should never go to a hip-hop dance. Homecoming was not as impressive as she had hoped it would be. However, when pressed, she did say she'd go out with this "boy" again.
She's 14. The "boy" was 16. He did ask her parents if he could ask her out before he even mentioned it to her. Chivalry is alive and well for some. My mom decided I had to be 18, or almost, before I could date. I did a lot of after-school activities instead. My daughter and son were juniors before they considered dating. Both did the group date thing. They enjoyed it and there didn't seem to be as much of a stigma about whether or not they were "popular".
I got my flu shot this week. We got in the habit when my better half's aunt and uncle were in a nursing home and we had to have the shot in order to visit them. So the story goes like this: I'm waiting for the nurse to give me the shot and a younger woman sits down beside me. To start the conversation, she asks if I am getting a flu shot and that it is a good thing for "old people like you" to get one. I let that go, I'm not "old".   I mentioned that the shot was important so that I could continue doing the things I do and her response?  (you can hear this one coming - ) She didn't realize people "at your age were so busy... "
I had a lot of thoughts go through my head- political correctness was at the top of the list. Mostly, I've never been called "old" before; it never crossed my mind that I shouldn't be doing the things I'm doing "at my age". Now I realize the source: waitress, GED instead of diploma, 2 teenage daughters, lots of day time soap operas (younger woman decided I needed a full life history)... but still! Old?

Someone once told me that "old was 20 years older than your current age." Guess that sounds about right. Our son teases my better half about his age, and now we tease him about his gray hair. Another first - it never crossed my mind that my children would have gray hair. At least I don't see my mother in the mirror when I put on my makeup. That would so totally freak me out!
So your thoughts on humor, Don,  are very welcome! I was always told that it wasn't nice for women to be humorous. So I'm queen of sarcasm. Interestingly enough, it is frightening how many of my students, adults or almost adults, just don't get sarcasm!  I had a local stand-up comedian in my last Composition I class. It was fascinating to watch him observe what was going on around him and then listen to the "story" he was able to concoct. Sadly, most of the other students didn't get it; luckily for me, that didn't stop him and there were days when his humor lightened my whole week.
Blazing Saddles – one of the few truly humorous movies that is able to carry the pace and humor throughout the movie. Mel Brooks was a genius. My favorites are George Carlin and Robin Williams. Bill Cosby and his "Noah" are also right near the top. Joan Rivers is good – Carol Burnett is better – probably because of her facial and body expressions. There aren't too many females that I would sit at the table... I would put George Carlin in the middle chair at the head of the table. I'd work the Smothers Brothers in there somewhere – they might have to share a chair. That would be an interesting routine.
For Wormhole, we have had a lot of firsts! Last month we published Jeroen van Baardwijk and this month we are proud to present Laura Künzig. Both of these new authors are international – Jeroen is from the Netherlands and Laura is currently living in Kenya. The Transports for their short stories are doing well! Thank you!
 I finally finished the first 15 pages of the second draft of the Millennial/Wired book that I'm writing. My biggest challenge is not the information, it is the time. Everyone seems to feel that what they want and need of me is more important than getting the writing done. Ah well, this too shall right itself and the book will get done.
I'm still not coming up with an answer to your last riddle, Don. Sorry.
 But, I do have one for you:
 Deeply growing
Dividing ground, rock and stream
Delivering life substance to tall shelters

Have a great week everyone!
We've been watching the latest Dr. Who, and we are not impressed. In the second episode of this season, Dr. Who asks Clara (his traveling companion) if he is a nice guy. After last night's episode, I'd have to say he isn't. The wit and the humor that were threaded throughout the David Tennant and Matt Smith episodes is missing. It feels like it is turning back to the earlier Dr. Who's that caused me to stop watching... The new Dr., Peter Capadli,is doing a good job, the writing and the directing leave much to be desired. I realize that each Dr. has to find "himself" but it was never at the abandonment of the other characters or the plot itself. 
All images downloaded from Google Images

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